Bret Baier: Trump, not Harris, the ‘holdup’ on Fox News debate

Source: Grey_0ne


  1. What a coward. Harris wiped the floor with him at the last debate so he would only agree to a FoxNews debate if hosted by Hannity and Ingraham or Watters. Everyone else at FoxNews hosting he chickens out with: Brett Baier, Martha MacCollum, Brit Hume, Neil Cavuto, etc.

    Trump is such a yellow-bellied coward. He knows without his pet poodle Hannity he would lose even a FoxNews debate.

  2. She broke Trump’s brain. He knows he can never win a debate against her even in an environment that’s overly friendly to him. Let’s keep it real though, Trump’s response to the first debate was to hold a little Ohio town hostage and stoking racism. That’s what he’s doing instead of a Fox News debate.

  3. Harris should come out publicly and agree to a Fox News debate.
    Tell Trump he can even pick the moderators.
    Throw in a 🐥

  4. There’s literally no upside for him to do another debate. He’s unlikely to persuade a meaningful number of people to vote for him, even if he does well by Trump standards. And Kamala will make him look like an even bigger fool, if that’s possible.

  5. WhileFalseRepeat on

    In March, Trump posted this to social media…

    > It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People. Therefore, I am calling for Debates, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE! The Debates can be run by the Corrupt DNC, or their Subsidiary, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). I look forward to receiving a response. Thank you for your attention to this matter!

    Gee, I wonder what happened to go from “Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere” to “Bok, Bok, Bok”.

  6. Fox News host **Bret Baier** called former President **Donald Trump** the “holdup” regarding a possible Fox News debate between him and Vice President **Kamala Harris**.

    On Tuesday, Baier told radio host **Hugh Hewitt** that he believes the Harris campaign “would do” a Fox News debate. Following a Sept. 10 debate on ABC News, Trump declared there would be no further debates despite saying it was his [“strongest”]( debate performance. Harris, meanwhile, [agreed]( to an Oct. 23 invitation for a CNN debate. That agreement was made after Trump announced there would be no new debates.

  7. Harris should book any and all debates offered, when he doesn’t show she can just have free air time

  8. >“Now, his reasoning, don’t know. I always thought that it would be like a bug zapper in the backyard for the former president in that he couldn’t get away from the light of 70 million viewers and that he would have to eventually, just knowing him, you know, do it if it was on Fox and something he could agree to,” Baier said.

    It’s hilarious (and sad) how everyone, and I mean *everyone*, who is not a true-believer Trump supporter talks about him like he is either a child, a moron, or an impulsive empty vessel that just follows the fame and money. Often it’s all 3 and more.

  9. > Harris over the weekend accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Trump a second time next month, an offer Trump has rejected, citing early voting already underway in some states.

    This is the funniest excuse to me. “Sorry, some folks already made up their mind, so it wouldn’t be fair to convince anyone else. It’s pencils down now.”

  10. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Is this something we didn’t know? Trump already said he won the last one so no need for another.

  11. Smart of the Harris campaign to stick to negotiating behind the scenes instead of taking to social media and declaring “I will debate Trump on Fox once we settle on an agreement.” She would never agree to a setup where Trump would set all of the variables, that would be folly. But while another debate with any veneer of fairness would probably be another boost to her credibility, she’s still the broadly accepted victor of the last one and public perception has set in that Trump is the one refusing to have another go at it. If nothing happens, she still comes out on top.

  12. Careless_Plastic_530 on

    There was a moment, about half way through the debate, when trump physically sagged and his eyes changed from anger to fear. I think it was because his little boy mind thought it was over, because he had said everything that was on his tiny little list, and he had nothing else to say.

    And Harris was just getting started. And he looked at a click, and realized it was only half way, and he was in the corner, all tired out, his big volleys spent, and she was just warming up.

    From that point on, he shifted and squirmed and started talking nonsense just to fill the void that is his head. He looked like he was in the worst place of his life and he was scared and he needed comfort which is why he ran to fox.

    His worst fear is living through that again.

  13. Why would she ever agree to debate on faux news? They admit in court they arent a real news source, just entertainment and not something someone would rationally believe is reporting.

  14. Trump literally said that he wouldn’t do FOX if it were hosted by Baier and McCaullum, their least partisan hosts. He wanted Hannity and Shitty Waters.

  15. “unfair and unbalanced Fox News is now ungrateful after all I’ve done for them. Before I became president which made them rich Rupert Murdoch came up to me with tears in his eyes and said sir, I know you are on a wildly popular show on NBC, which more people watched than the moon landing, but can you be part of our tv network. He begged me and I thought about doing it. Probably would have made lots of money If I did but I chose to SAVE AMERICA. unBAEIRable Brett bear has a great haircut and nothing else along with comrade Kamala treated me like a dog that hatians are eating and will be eating for thanksgiving if you don’t elect your favorite president, me Donald Trump.”

    Trump if he shows up to lose a debate on Fox News

  16. uh… yeah. that’s what they’ve all told us. she agreed to it immediately, trump says no way.

  17. “We’ve got ratings to generate here old man, news is an entertainment industry and business before politics”

  18. I honestly do want to see a Fox News hosted debate. I really do. Just for the comedy. The last debate, I watched around some folks who felt the ABC News side was biased against Trump. They said Fox would do a better job. At the end of the last debate, it was a bit interesting to observe those wishing Fox had hosted the debate, completely deaf to Fox News Anchors immediately following the debate saying on air that Kamala had won the debate in their opinion. Multiple times.

  19. ToughTalkingTurtle on

    Standing at the debate podium, his words sharp and confident. The audience erupted, chanting his name, “TRUMP! TRUMP!” as Kamala fumbled for a response. The spotlight was on him, and he could feel the victory within reach. Every point he made landed perfectly, each cheer boosting his confidence. Big, strong men had tears in their eyes and hands over their hearts.

    But as the noise grew louder, he blinked, and the cheers faded. He wasn’t on stage; he was alone in his dimly lit room, hunched over his desk, staring at his Truth Social feed. Reality hit him—he was too afraid to face his opponent. The crowd was never there; it was just him, paralyzed from the fear he couldn’t overcome.

  20. >I always thought that it would be like a bug zapper in the backyard for the former president in that he couldn’t get away from the light of 70 million viewers and that he would have to eventually

    Still think it will. He’s falling slowly but steadily in the polls, Robinson is going to cost him NC now, and JD vance keeps fucking all those campaign stop couches, making himself even more unpopular. He’s going to have to – The one thing though, is he’s already convinced himself he won the last one (as Narcissists will do), so at some point he’s gonna see one of those “hes a chicken” ads or whatever and he’ll “truth” it out before telling his staff, watch.

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