Canada’s fertility rate has hit a record low. What’s behind the drop? – National |

Source: OkSpend1270


  1. NoEntertainment2074 on

    We have shit healthcare, a dying (or dead) sense of community, and the cost of living is so far behind compensation growth that somehow a chronically high-achieving dual income couple with seriously employable graduate degrees, kick-ass resumes, and prestigious tech jobs have the same quality of life as your ***very*** average middle-class, single-income family with two kids 30 years ago. Fuck this country. I’m not making more people for you to exploit.

  2. Glacial_Shield_W on

    Well, if you ask the people in the age range that usually have kids, they’ll tell you it is costs, global unrest, and time constraints in the current work climate. If you ask anyone outside of that range, they’ll say its because we aren’t family oriented, we are lazy, and because we are self centered.

    With love,

    Someone who is getting older, desperately wants kids, but accepts I can’t have them right now, and has been called all three of those things by multiple people.

  3. AllUrUpsAreBelong2Us on

    If you need to ask, then you can answer with “the same reason 30 year mortgages getting insured up to $1.5M”.

  4. Mapleleafreader on

    I have two kids and would have loved to have had three or four. The cost of living and the fact that both parents need to work to survive, child care is expensive or non existent and most no longer have family support since parents are not retiring themselves makes it all a problem. There’s so many reasons; this is just off the top of my head.

  5. Obvious. If you can’t afford to rent or buy nothing larger than a studio, you’re not likely start a family.
    If you have a larger place, the commute to work js probably an hour and who has the time for a 2 hour commute, work full time and then raise a child.

    We need a max 30 hour work week and affordable housing.

  6. What’s behind the drop, really?

    It’s like asking why passengers on a crashing plane aren’t engaging in idle conversation as they plummet.

    We have citizens who are paying for healthcare, and can’t get it. We have a government prioritizing foreigners over their own citizens, we have skyrocketing costs, a flat economy and an environment that’s going to kill us because we keep subsidizing fossil fuels. Everywhere we look we see political instability, the resurgence of right-wing extremism, war, terrorism and we’re genuinely wondering if we’re going to see nuclear war soon.

    The doomsday clock has never been closer to midnight. Ever.

    How would anyone expect the birth rate would do anything but drop like a rock?

  7. JusticeforHarambe20 on

    I can hardly afford to feed myself. After work i go back to my 500 square foot rental that takes 50% of my income, and only have energy to watch my netflix account filled with ads due to exhaustion. How would a kid improve my situation?

  8. I remember when I was a kid, David Suzuki was crying on CBC telling us that we’re over populating the planet and need to have fewer kids.

    Now they tell us that we don’t have enough and need to import millions. Which is it?

  9. Can’t raise a family when all you can afford is a 1 bedroom apartment or condo. Also the cost of living here is insane.

  10. “Whats behind the drop in fertility.”


    Holy shit.

    I swear to god, it’s like they’re ignoring that when people have money and places to live they fuck like rabbits and start families because they can support them.

    When people don’t have money and places to live they don’t fuck like rabbits, they don’t start families because they can’t support them.

    “Well, the poor places in the world still have high fertility rates, if they’re so poor how can they have kids then?”


    India/China/Asia in general and Africa you can literally live off 10$ a month and have a place to live/food and that’s all you need to have children. Infact, if you have a bunch of children in these homes you know what happens? They pool their finances together to support the family unit. So having A LOT of children is actually the best way to get out of poverty for these people. Have ten children, they all get jobs they pool their money and they get a bigger home. Continue to do that for multiple generations and bam you save enough to send one or two to college to get a better job to support the parents.

    In the west, it’s so expensive that you have people with full time jobs unable to even save up enough money to find a place to live. At that point without stable shelter how the hell do you have kids?

    It’s not rocket science. Fertility rates literally mimic economic disparity in the first world countries.

    Life = Cheap = Kids.

    Life = Expensive = no Kids.

  11. The bootstrap factory closed during covid and never reopened. Now we do not have enough bootstraps to pull ourselves up with.

  12. SnakesInYerPants on

    Our rent is going up by at least $295.50 in November (assuming they didn’t also up the price of the parking stall, that information was not included in the renewal letter) despite neither of us getting raises this year and despite no improvements being made to the building/unit (in fact, over the last year they’ve taken away most of the services and perks that came with renting in this building). There is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing this again next year, there is absolutely nothing guaranteeing that our wages will go up again before then, and job hopping doesn’t even work right now because record population growth in our city that was unaccompanied by record job growth has brought the listed wages of job postings way down (the same roles that I was applying for 2-3 years ago for $25-$30 an hour are now being listed for $15-$20 an hour, and all still get hundreds of applicants).

    Please, someone up top who doesn’t understand why I’m not having kids right now… Explain to me how I am supposed to work a kid into my budget when our wages are stagnant and our essential housing costs (in what is considered a cheap apartment) are exponentially rising every year? With this rent increase, we can barely afford to provide all the essentials for ourselves and still have a tiny bit left over for the occasional date. Never mind saving for retirement, saving for a home, paying for emergencies or unexpected costs, etc. We MIGHT be able to work in a kid if we give them absolutely nothing but the bare necessities of life, but what kind of selfish assholes would we be to condemn a kid to that just because we want to reproduce?

  13. Lets see. I spend most of my weekdays working, my evenings and weekends are spent doing skills upgrades just to keep my career going. Otherwise if I get laid off I will be facing stiff competition from a growing number of Canadians applying for the same type of work.

    If only the government provided better incentives for companies to survive or innovate I’d be spending my weekends and evenings involved in the dating, mating, and reproduction process, instead of trying to survive and keeping my job.

  14. all developed countrie have this same issue and it’s mostly women’s rights, not cost of living. the later does play a part of course but it’s mostly insignificant.

  15. The world is shit and its too expensive, for many, to raise children.

    It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out…

  16. MisterExcelsior on

    Gosh i wonder if it has anything to do with the cost of living crisis in the country?!?! Guess we’ll never know. Better import a few more hundred thousand Indian students though

  17. Single-Spite-007 on

    People can’t afford to have kids, and the government relies on importing people. The new ones get older and have no kids, and the cycle repeats.

  18. Greedy_Leadership_40 on

    It’s a fucking challenge.

    Following this entrepreneur on Instagram:

    – 30 years old
    – 3 kids
    – head of a restaurant chain
    – does it all, of course.

    …ah forgot to mention, family company with 100 restaurants she inherited along with her family.

    Probably has a nanny, hundreds of people working and doing the actual work.

    Yeah the normal #entrepreneur life.

  19. Why should I have a kid and take on that burden when things are challenging enough as it is? 

    Besides, we’re importing enough immigrants into the country to ensure it keeps running smoothly. So we should be just fine. Right? Right…? 

  20. housing cost an arm and a leg, food cost second pair of it, daycare cost is basically a full time job + all the other expenses for kid

    kids now ether for rich or for extremely poor, anyone with brain but not free million would prefer not to have one

  21. When the government tax the citizen to oblivion and spend the money on enriching their buddies through the ArriveCAN app, spending more on refugees and asylum seekers … leaving with Canadians to afford a decent living , this is what happens.

  22. Wife and I have 90% decided we will only have our one child, would love the idea of having two but the financial burden seems so much higher.

  23. You kind of need a house or some other kind of shelter to raise them in. If you can’t afford either, no matter how hard you work, well…funny how the babies don’t come.

  24. I would have loved to have a couple kids but it was always financially out of reach. Now I’m too old but still can barely afford to live my own damn life. Family name dies with me.

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