Hold China responsible for helping Russia, Danish PM says

Source: professorbrainiac


  1. >Moscow could not sustain a full-scale invasion of Ukraine for this long “without help from China,” Mette Frederiksen says.


    They should be held to account by the international community. Russia invaded a sovereign nation without any instigation whatsoever, they are no better than terrorist organizations.

    Therefore, China is supporting terrorism. That is unacceptable.

  2. This is stupid politics coming from a stupid PM of a country that’s irrelevant enough in geopolitics to have these policies.

    I can’t believe the lack of actions of Beijing is compared to the real actions of Pyongyang and even Tehran on Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

    I think we should hold Berlin, “Germany” responsible for helping Russia. How many German citizens benefited the Russian state enough for them to wage various wars? How many other countries are responsible for the rise of the Russian Federation’s crime spree between 1991-2022?

    How many crimes have Denmark actually been responsible for because they continued trading with warmongering states?

  3. Prior to 2022, China exported negligible amounts of nitrocellulose to Russia. In 2022, China exported over 700 tons of nitrocellulose to Russia. In 2023, that number was over 1,300 tons. 2024 looks like it will be similar to 2023 in deliveries. Last I checked, Russia didn’t develop a brand new sizable pharmaceutical industry or massive expand its automotive paint industry, so what it is it being used for?

    Wait, nitrocellulose is the primary ingredient to manufacture modern gun powder. There is really no question as to what the nitrocellulose exported to Russia is being used to do, make ammunition to feed to the Russian war machine.

    Nitrocellulose is one of many various “dual use” products being supplied to Russia by China that have “civilian uses” that Russia has no industrial or civilian market for other than ones that feed the Russian war machine.

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