Health services slimmed as NSW nurses and midwives walk out over poor pay

Source: DramaticSalamander15


  1. NSW really don’t seem to be doing these things in good faith.

    Like jesus at least give them the demand of payment reimbursement for parking,or you know STOP FUCKING SELLING the parking lots to fucking wilsons.

    The union has a solid argument that the last pay rise was almost entirely eaten up in wilsons and parking fee’s at public hospitals

    Why does the hospital admin team,get a free parking spot,but NUM or other senior nurses don’t

  2. DramaticSalamander15 on

    A second strike for NSW Nurses has occured- posting as someone asked me to keep the sub up to date. The IRC recommended an interim 3% pay rise with backpay and 4 weeks of intensive negotiations to follow while further increases/changes to the award were worked out *if* nurses didn’t strike. Nurses striked anyway- if the government hasn’t budged on their position in months, than what is an extra month going to do? They just didn’t want industrial action.

    The government hasn’t made any changes to the previous offer, again, this includes not agreeing to even the policies that wouldn’t cost anything, like no night shifts the morning of your annual leave, and to have two days off be rostered in a row. QLD is still paid 18% more.

    For a full list and much more context check my comment on my last post. Some news sites report that nurses want 15% and the government offered 10%. The union wants 15% in 1yr, govt 10.5% over 3 years (including super).

    I note that the government’s tactic is clear. They have always wanted the industrial relations committee (IRC) to mediate an agreement, given they haven’t changed their position in 11 meetings even slightly, submitted the case to the IRC early in the negotiation process, and keep reinforcing that they’ll accept the IRC’s decision. Anything slightly less than 15% is a better result for them, so it’s not hard to see why they want that.

    The government was elected on fixing nursing wages after the coalition placed a cap on public sector wages in 2012 (including giving only a 0.3% increase during the pandemic). They repeatedly acknowledge that nursing wages are behind due to previous government, and behind other states, yet they offer 10% over three years like it will do anything. Not including super that’s 3%/yr, and while other states continue to increase their wages at the same rate it does absolutely nothing to fix the gap between other states, created by the government.

    The government proudly boasts that it removed the wages cap. If you don’t increase wages above the old cap than what is there to be proud of? NSW nurses face a real wage decline- they’re paying 2024 prices with 2008 (relative) wages.

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