Pelosi Snaps at CNN’s Jake Tapper for Mentioning Trump’s Smear at Harris

Source: Broadcastthatboom


  1. a_sense_of_contrast on

    I feel like this is the American media in a nutshell. Presenting a clip, not because it actually has merit or says something substantive, but because it will drive an emotional reaction.

    It truly is just entertainment. No wonder it’s such a close race.

  2. What a strange way to set up a question, “Many of our viewers criticize us for talking about Biden’s cognitive issues and not Trump’s. Here’s a clip about Trump saying Kamala has cognitive issues, what do you think about that?”

    It’s the most twisted up illogical nonsense.

    “We like to say that circles are squares and not that squares are squares. Here’s a clip of circles saying that triangles are squares. What do you think about that?”

  3. I wonder what happened to Tapper. He used to be such a pillar of sensibility. Now he’s just drifts wildly.

  4. Democrats have come a long way since 2016 – sadly CNN has not.

    What Tapper is doing is using Trump’s words to try and define Harris. If you haven’t read it, [I urge people to read the Harvard Multi-Part Research into how the media failed us in 2016]( Or you [can just read the summary](

    Whenever the news uses the other candidates words (Trump) to define their opponent (this case Harris), that candidate (Trump) has won. It was done overwhelmingly in 2016 because Trump sells. Tapper playing Trump’s words questioning Harris’s mental capacity is not journalism, it is a play for ratings.

  5. Let me ask you a really stupid question. Blah, blah?

    Wow, that’s a stupid question for the following 4 reasons, you can do better than that.

    Oh are you snapping at me?

    (Quiet part – No, but if I could slap you silly I would)

  6. I have stopped watching CNN in any way shape or form. They’re no longer into news. They just want sensation. And that’s a shame. I used to watch them all the time, particularly during global conflicts. They seemed to have reporters on site at the right time. Now they are just into this garbage.

  7. Instead of repeating the latest lie from Trump why not cover the fact that everything out of his mouth is a lie?

    Every single thing that comes from Trump’s mouth is crap and a lie. Cover that CNN.

  8. Ted Turner would have fired the entire CNN crew by now if he was still in charge. CNN is like Fox just another entertainment show grasping at straws for ratings.

    I go to the wire services for content now. AP, Reuters, UPI etc.

  9. There was a time when I liked Jake Tapper and some of the other talking heads on CNN. All of that changed when they platformed an insurrectionist and filled the audience with his cult like fans. Fuck CNN.

  10. Hope more people see it, CNN isn’t what it once was anymore, it’s another Trump ass kissing network pretending to be centralist. It was hilarious how badly they tried to belittle her after the debate a couple weeks ago.

  11. I generally like Jake Tapper but Pelosi rightly called him on this BS.

    > “Why would you even cover that?” Pelosi asked pointedly. “This is a person who is not on the level. He is their nominee for president. He is incompetent. Let’s not even talk about the silliness of it all, and the weirdness of it all, and the assault on women that it is.”

    Tapper trying to defend playing the clip because Trump is the Republican nominee for President was really really weak. I’m dissapointed in him.

  12. Let’s be honest.

    US Mainstream media wants Trump to win because of the non-stop news cycle because of him, especially if he’s the one sitting as president.

    Once and if he’s out of the picture, cable news becomes boring for them again.

  13. >Tapper said he played the clip because Trump is the GOP nominee for president, “and I thought you might have a reaction to it.”

    Saying the quiet part out loud. “My job isn’t to be a journalist and to accurately report on the state of the world to my viewers. My job is to generate drama and keep the morons engaged in this tabloid nonsense.”

  14. icouldusemorecoffee on

    Good on her. This is what the media does far to often, they repeat right wing messaging or frame everything from right wing perspective and all that does is boost the right wing perspective and it gets embedded in the public consciousness.

    Tapper should be blacklisted after the terrible moderation he did in the Biden/Trump debate.

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