Two Videos of ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) Fighters allegedly attacking AA (Arakan Army) (September 19 and 20) (most likely near Maungdaw, Myanmar)

Source: CaliRecluse

1 Comment

  1. ARSA used to fight both the Myanmar Junta and AA from 2016 to late 2023. Now, they are [cooperating ]( the military and [providing conscripts]( for them.

    Most of the other Rohingya paramilitaries are not that much better either. The RSO also kidnaps people for conscription and they [admit ]( they only fight AA now. Other smaller groups like Arakan Rohingya Army also deal drugs within the refugee camps.

    AA [probably ]( some war crimes, but the majority of the blame is on the Burmese military for stripping the Rohingya of citizenship and their “clearance operations.”

    Edit: There are Rohingya that side with the NUG/PDF. The highest-ranking one we know of right now is Aung Kyaw Moe.

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