Donald Trump’s Sexual Assault Accusers Tell Their Stories in New Ads

Source: pumper911


  1. sharingsilently on

    And this is the grifter who says he’ll be women’s best protector. Makes you want to gag.

  2. Dissolute_Orange on

    I feel like the story doesn’t sway anybody in either camp. Trumpers wouldn’t believe it. All of us normal non Cult followers would believe it because it fits his rapist profile. Undecided people probably are afraid to click and read more.

  3. depths_of_dipshittry on

    The fact that he is saying he will protect women is one of his biggest threats. Him and the entire GOP are always going on about protecting our daughters, the thing is we don’t need it from them.

    What we need is for them to EDUCATE THEIR SONS on what consent means, no is a no *NOT* a maybe or a yes and that women (wait for it)….are actual people who should have autonomy over her body and the choices she makes and stop referencing bible quotes to justify their disgusting behavior.

    I just don’t know how we got to this timeline where a 34 time convicted felon and rapist is not only allowed to vote and even run for president and they don’t even bat an eye when he says the most outrageous things.

  4. ButterscotchLow8950 on

    I think this is a waste of money, they have been accusing him for a while now. His base clearly doesn’t care. And every one else seems to expect this type of behavior from him.

    It seems to bother him more to be called weird. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  5. I_like_baseball90 on

    This needs to be played all day every where.

    Make sure people know exactly who the fuck they’re voting for.

    The fact 70 million fucking morons including millions of women want this scumbag as their savior is absolutely mind boggling.

  6. General_Goose5130 on

    This guy is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. He has set us back 60 years in woman’s rights and racial division. As time goes on, I think history will show that he was one of the worst Presidents in US history. He has no policies other than fear and hate. I can’t wait until this guy is out of the news, hopefully after November 5th. 81 million of us fired him once. He’s now interviewing for the same job we fired him from. Republican’s let this happen. I wonder what this election would look like if Haley would have been the Republican candidate? I actually think the Republicans would have probably won. They just don’t learn.

  7. WirelessBCupSupport on

    Now have the union workers of the defunct Trump Casinos that got stiffed in AC have an ad smearing how Donny ripped them off. Or how the golfcourse workers get low pay, less hours. Or his hotel staff and former staff were treated. Or the students that were stiffed by Trump U. Or even the Afghan women that fled for their lives because Trump made deal with the Taliban, the same Taliban that were killing US and coalition troops with IEDs and Russian-provided weapons…
    Trump needs to be incarcerated. Then he can be king of the court in orange jumpsuit. No Secret Service member should stoop that low to protect him from a shiv.

  8. It has always amazed me how Trump’s cult was willing to link Bill Clinton’s sexual assault accusers to Hillary, but were unwilling to link Donald Trump’s sexual assault accusers to Donald Trump.

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