Russia to Boost Military Spending to 40% of State Budget in 2025

Source: Gjrts


  1. I read somewhere that the Russian Armed Forces don’t have a Non Commissioned Officer corps

    Maybe they need to invest in that ? Communication between officers and enlisted members and train your troops before you throw them to the wolves ?

    What do I know ?

  2. Wasn’t this one of the factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union? That they were spending way too much of their budget on the military?

  3. Spare-Abrocoma-4487 on

    They are completely pivoting to a war time economy. This is not good for the world. God save the grinning idiots in this comments section.

  4. So 6.2% of the GDP that will just inflate ressource costs, produce crippled people and not innovate or scale in the slightest.

    How much of the GDP is even civilian industry and service? Probably the biggest chunk comes from exploiting ressources and agrarian?

  5. That’s equal to levels the US was spending in the last year of WW2. It’s absurd that they can fund so much and achieve so little against a much smaller force they tried to get the jump on. Embarrassing! These are the worst imperialists I’ve ever seen!

  6. For context after the German invasion in ’42 the Soviet Union was spending 65 percent on defense. The fact that Russia is approaching that now against Ukraine is a laughable reflection of the state of Russian finances and their army. And a testament to the resilience of Ukraine’s defence.

  7. Such a waste. Absolutely nothing would happen to Russia if they didn’t do this, they’d probably get quite a boost from ending the war.

    But because Putin serves only himself and not the Russian people, then they will keep going down this track.

  8. The saying “when your enemy makes mistakes, don’t interrupt them” comes to mind here, for some reason.

  9. Responsible-Mix4771 on

    The truly sad part is that the overwhelming majority of Russians rejoice with this. Who cares about  healthcare, education, roads or trains if they can realize their “dream” of restoring their “empire” to its former glory? If Ukraine falls, then it’s the Baltics, Poland and Finland. The western world fails to grasp to what extent nearly all Russians are nationalistic nutjobs. 

  10. I’m just some guy on the internet, but is money what is actually holding back the Russian military in Ukraine?

  11. I’m 2023, about 13.3% of the US national budget was spent on military. It’s been between 11 (2021) and 27.9 (1987).

  12. Just allow Ukraine to use the weapons we give them as they see fit.

    And give them more from South Europe, Germany, France, USA and the other countries sitting on their hands.

    Russia WILL WIN this war if we allow them to. Don’t be naive – 40% is a lot of money for bombs.

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