Opinion: It’s b-a-a-ck. Quebec separatism rears its head again

Source: Whynutcoconot

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  1. The PQ is polling high, significantly ahead of the CAQ. It’s likely they will take power in 2026. Their main promise is to make a 3rd referendum in their first mandate, and that’s unusual since it’s the first time in decade(s) that the PQ is promising another referendum. PQ’s leader, Paul St Pierre Plamondon is even touring Quebec, trying to sell independance in universities and elsewhere.

    And sovereignism is far from being dead. Support for sovereignism is polling in the 30-40% range, with a somewhat fairly distributed support across age groups. Before the 1995 référendum, the support for référendum was also in that range. 30-40% seems to be a historical floor. A 3rd referendum could be, again, a tight race with the outcome decided by a few thousands votes.

    It’s likely Canada will face another national crisis… with Poilievre in charge to deal with it.

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