Quebec sees 40% surge in language inspections amid rising complaints

Source: Whynutcoconot

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  1. > As previously announced, the number of complaints surged by 32 per cent year-over-year, with 9,125 complaints filed in 2023-2024 compared with 6,673 the previous year. This marks the third consecutive year of record-breaking complaint numbers.

    > In 2023-24, the top three issues cited in complaints were related to language of service (34 per cent), commercial documentation such as websites, bills and contracts (27 per cent), and inadequate signage (20 per cent).

    34% of the 9.1k complaints are related to the lack of French services? That’s quite high imo.

    > The OQLF has pointed to “multiple factors” behind the “significant increase” in complaints, including growing concern among Quebecers about the future of the French language.

    > Looking ahead, the agency aims to boost inspections by four per cent this year, 10 per cent in 2025-26 and 15 per cent in 2026-27.

    That’s hardly a bad thing, is it? I know the gazette is trying to depict this as an act of evil wrong doing but to me it just looks like the government is enforcing a law that actually serves a purpose and address a need.

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