Public service mistakes that have cost the taxpayer big bucks – Part 1

Source: CommonwealthGrant


  1. Welfare is fundamentally about peoples very lives and wellbeing, not about saving money. If government gets to the point of being concerned about saving money at any cost, they have lost the plot and a major part of their reason for existence.

  2. How about bringing in a completely new computer system replacing a system which has performed well for years only for the new system to predictably crash the entire system on day one and for weeks after. End result is that the old system has to be turned back on. New system is so poor that it takes months of pain to get to anywhere close to an acceptable level. No-one apart from some poor bastards at the coal face are ever held responsible. No KPIs for managers.

  3. Not the public service but the LNP government in its last year of office spent almost $500 million per week of our taxes on outsourcing to external contractors and consultants.

    [Coalition spent $20.8b on ‘shadow’ public service](

    [Public service audit reveals $20.8b spent on external contractors and consultants in 2021-22](

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