Pain is ‘dramatically’ different in men and women

Source: binding_swamp


  1. “The biological processing of pain, regardless of how much pain is produced, is dramatically sex dependent. Different genes are being used in both sexes — different proteins, different cell types, dramatically different biology in each case,”

  2. Fits with what I have seen over at /relationship-advice where men seem to place more emphasis on emotional pain and women seem to place more emphasis on physical pain. 

  3. Does this not track from an evolutionary standpoint? Can we not equate danger in nature to risk of physical pain? Males more able to endure pain from doing historically dangerous male shit are likely to better succeed in passing on their genes. And females more sensitive to and aware of painful danger are more likely to successfully carry and raise their offspring, passing on their genes.

    I know it plays into “tough dumb man vs smart careful woman” stereotypes, but it kinda makes sense. Y’all biology nerds feel free to educate me lol

  4. MamasGottaDance on

    I mean I guess I am extremely used to being in pain as I spend like 1/3 of every month in pain. Back in school my female classmates used to try to one up eachother in arguing whose period is worst. So there was like arguing what’s worse, a migraine or leg cramps or back pain or joint pain or chest pain etc etc. Last year I got my period and while showering in the morning while getting ready i kept falling LMAO I had to crawl out of the shower, I pop so much ibuprofen every month I have probably permanently damaged my organs by now

  5. theghostofameme on

    What’s interesting is that they point out that hormones play a role, but don’t mention including menstrual cycles in the research. A woman on her period is going to be more sensitive to pain, sometimes significantly so. It makes you wonder if the difference is significant enough that birth control or hysterectomy could be used as a type of pain management for women with chronic pain. It could help close that gap between medications primarily tested on men having a lesser effect on women.

  6. Medical science: Women experience pain more acutely.

    Also medical science: I’m sure we can perform this medical procedure related to women’s health (involving cutting or scraping sensitive tissue) with mininmal or no pain relief.

  7. aftemoon_coffee on

    How does this apply to the gender is a spectrum situation? Sorry if I’m being crass I just don’t know what to call it

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