More international wealth incoming as exodus of overseas millionaires expected to continue, including to Australia

Source: NoLeafClover777


  1. DragonfruitNo7222 on

    Looks like less than 3000 if you look at the scale. And millionaire is increasingly losing its power as a classification as a lot of aussies who own a house in a middle suburb are now millionaires

  2. Exotic_Win_6093 on

    The fact that millionaires want to move to Australia tells you that we have a problem with taxation.

  3. If that’s true, then tax the fuck out of them and do not let them buy land! You try to buy land as an Aussie in another country in Asia and you’re gonna have a bad time! I’ve wanted to buy land in Thailand and the rigamarole to do so makes it not worth it.

  4. The-truth-hurts1 on

    If true, looks like getting out of shit countries into better ones.. which obviously says a lot about where the UK is now

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