Europe’s Heat Pumps Put America’s to Shame

Source: Strict-System-9528

1 Comment

  1. you know how you see massive plumes of steam in NYC street scenes?


    The New York City steam system include [Con Edison’s]( Steam Operations, which provides steam to large parts of [Manhattan]( Other smaller systems provide steam to [New York University]( and [Columbia University](, and many individual buildings in [New York City]( also have their own steam systems. The steam is used to heat and cool buildings and for cleaning and disinfecting. It is the largest such system in the world and has been in operation since 1882.

    my uni had all the older buildings on a steam system. the radiators got so hot you had to open the windows in the lecture halls for half of the class… 85 inside.. 19 outside..

    **Why Is District Energy Not More Prevalent in the U.S.?**


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