Conservatives table non-confidence motion to try to topple Trudeau



  1. >The Conservatives have tabled a motion to try to declare non-confidence in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.

    >Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre presented the motion before the House of Commons on Tuesday on the first “opposition day” of the fall sitting of the Parliament.

    >The motion simply states: “The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.”

    >This comes on the heels of a tumultuous summer for the Liberal government, which saw two major byelection losses and the NDP withdrawing support from the supply-and-confidence agreement earlier this month.

    >Meanwhile, support for Trudeau and his Liberal government has hit a “new low,” polling shows.

    >The Conservative motion will be debated by MPs on Tuesday before it is put for a vote on Wednesday.

  2. Hot-Percentage4836 on

    The NDP and the Bloc have already expressed their intentions. Poilievre knows them and knows the motion is pointless and a waste of time.

    This is just a show for cameras.

  3. Long_Doughnut798 on

    Hopefully the NDP and Bloc are thinking of Canadians today and topple this Liberal disaster.

  4. Narrow-Sky-5377 on

    Pierre threw a party and no one showed up.

    Shouldn’t be any surprise here. Same as when he was a kid.

  5. Objective_You3307 on

    The fact that the bloc, a party that only exists in one province, can hold so much sway is absolutely ridiculous.

  6. Empty posturing and wasting time on tax payer dime. If he wanted to topple this government, he could, but not like this, on his own, with no conversation with other parties. I think he prefers things to be just as they are – where he can bitch and moan while having no responsibility for anything.

    I cannot stand this person enough to even look at his policies.

  7. atticusfinch1973 on

    NDP says they have lost confidence with the Liberals but will still vote against this. Because they are hypocrites.

  8. Infamous_Box3220 on

    Please bring back the Progressive Conservatives so we can return sanity to Canadian politics.

  9. Responsible_CDN_Duck on

    Will Poilievre even bother to vote for the conservative non-confidence motion this time?

    Last time he didn’t, which seems insulting to people looking for substance from his party.

  10. I’d be curious on the approach by Pierre and team. What were they hoping to gain? what’s the strategy here? They spent last week talking down the other opposition parties, not building bridges at all. So the end result here isn’t going to favour the CPC. They knew that, so why introduce it as is?

    Hence my curiosity on why?

    EDIT: Appreciate the answers. It does put the other opposition parties on paper saying, they still support the government. That’s something Pierre can use during a debate/ad.

  11. Won’t pass, but it’s a strategy by PP. He will now try to turn Quebecers against the Bloc, and if successful, the Bloc will eventually succumb. If the NDP is the only party voting against, they won’t do it.

  12. Can we just have a government please?

    Can we not wait until the budget in the spring to do the confidence vote? Or does PP really need to grind everything to a halt to try and capitalize on public sentiment?

  13. ProofByVerbosity on

    Why? complete b.s. waste of time and good ol’ peppy up to his useless politics games as usual. Both Bloq and NDP already said they won’t support it. Waste of time pandering to his rabid base

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