Republican candidate caught telling women over 50 that abortion rights is ‘not an issue for you’

Source: Coffee_n_wifi


  1. We republicans really are stupid….Those over 50 are the ones that Roe v Wade affected the most!

  2. It’s an issue for anyone with daughters, nieces, granddaughters, friends, acquaintances of child-bearing age who wants to ensure freedom of choice and wants to live in a free country where the government stays out of the bedroom and the doctor’s office.

  3. Apprehensive-Mouse53 on

    Breaking News!

    Republican gets his ass kicked by women over 50 who have daughters in their “acceptable” child-rearing ages under 49.

  4. How in the world has he been able to eat lunch if he always has a foot in his mouth. What a bozo.🤡

  5. Once the state starts tracking pregnant women with the morality police, it will be the Taliban all over again. It’s an issue for absolutely everyone. It can happen here. It already has.

  6. Women over 50 have numerous gynecological problems, like fibroids, yeast infections, or even various cancers. In a state like mine, where all the ob/gyns left when abortion was outlawed, more older women are suffering and dying from lack of proper health care. Abortion is health care.

  7. Political figures who can only think about a age range without its place and influence on whole society…
    You want *that* at the head of the country??

  8. “If it doesn’t affect you personally, then it’s not your problem!” — Conservative Brainrot

  9. LordyIHopeThereIsPie on

    One of my husband’s friends is a “menopause baby”. His mother was several months pregnant at 50 before she realised what was going on as she hadn’t menstruated for a couple of years. Women can get pregnant and need abortions past 50.

  10. Apprehensive-Mouse53 on

    I have a serious question, now that I’ve really pondered this for the past 30 seconds (not to mention my almost 43 years of life I was able to understand it all)…

    But my quandary is this…:

    Why are abortion rights and motherhood being determined by people without wombs? And no, I don’t mean just “working” wombs as these idiots like to point out. As if the wombs just say “oh. You’re over 50? Aiight. I’m out this bitch. Later.”

    I mean, what?

    This was not meant as an aside at women or wombs. I just think it’s common sense, is all.

  11. A lady in our Lamaze class was 50-something and post menopausal. She thought her ovaries were dried up raisins. But like an American car in the 1970s, one spark-knocked and sputtered an egg out, and guess what?

  12. You know? It shouldn’t be an issue we ever need to discuss. Simple as that. An abortion should be treated just like any other medical procedure. Just like an x-ray, getting a tooth pulled or any other thing you go the doctor for. It shouldn’t need to be legalized or fought over. If God cared so much he would stop them. Just leave people contro their bodies and maybe talk about things to help the country instead

  13. Better get a hysterectomy then because certain medical conditions require D&C sometimes past fertility and guess what? Considered abortion care to these idiots and would be an instant problem. I’ve been being told they won’t do that that’s not going to happen for DECADES now. They will.

  14. I’ll say this in the simplist possible way. It’s an issue when your god mother or grandmother needs to drive a kid to an abortion clinic.

  15. That’s because a MAGA Republican doesn’t care about anything unless it personally, specifically, affects him and his power. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone else or care about women’s health, outside of incubating babies. So he can’t imagine why a woman would want to protect reproductive health when she’s not going to get pregnant

  16. ‘They came for the…’ NO. Come for one of us, you come for all of us. We aren’t letting you split us up like that. I’m going to care about young women’s rights, and old women’s rights, and men’s rights and the rights of people of color, and kids rights. Go peddle your division politics somewhere else. It worked for awhile, but no more. No more!

  17. PrincessSophiaRose on

    Fuxking disgusting. As if none of those 50 year old women have daughters, granddaughters, other family members or friends that could eventually have a daughter.

    Edit:a word

  18. Okay, if he says abortion isn’t an issue for women over 50, then it shouldn’t be an issue for men of ALL ages. What a doofus. Ohio is a joke.

  19. Sudden-Storm9791 on

    It’s still an issue. Post-menopausal women will get stuck providing free childcare for the unwanted babies because the baby’s mother has to work 2-3 jobs just to get by.

    Or something like that. Right JD?

  20. “My understanding of importance relates to things that only affect me, why would you be any different?”

    American conservatism in a nutshell.

  21. Aaaannnnddd….that’s truly the way they think, folks – right? Whatever is best for ME, screw everybody else!! (Including my daughters, my younger friends, nieces, etc)

  22. Im a dude. Personally abortion is not an issue for ***me***

    But as I think beyond myself and it’s an issue for people I care about

  23. TrinkieTrinkie522cat on

    I had my first surgery for endometriosis at 19 and another at 23. The last one at 30, rushed me into menopause. Been voting blue for 50 years. We care and we won’t go back. I have done more in my life to benefit children than Diapered Demented Donnie and Just Dumb Vance.

  24. I mean, I’m a straight white male who’s almost 50. Does that mean LGBT rights, equal rights, DEI and abortion are ALL not issues for me? Because I’m kind of thinking they are.

    “Thank god my wife didn’t hear that” gufaw, gufaw.

    Fuck these clowns.

  25. Bluntly, what an idiot.

    Women in my family don’t hit menopause until 60. We are also weirdly fertile, regular periods until a year before then and clear ovulation cycles. Everyone has to take multiple precautions (Eg get tubes tied and have an IUD and if partners agree to it they get vasectomies). This knowledge has been passed down to us from generations going back more than 100 years and also is just known from unfortunate experience.

    I need access to birth control, men need access to vasectomies, I don’t appreciate pressure to procreate, my daughters also need birth control, and you better believe we need abortion access.

  26. First off ,I am 51 and still (unfortunately) able to get pregnant. So damn right I will yeet a fetus if needed. Second, its called empathy for others. Something they seriously lack along with intelligence.

  27. Some 50 yrs olds still have periods. Not to mention we have daughters-nieces- friends-coworkers. These guys can F off. The gaslighting!

  28. Constant_Affect7774 on

    Its an interesting position to take, but so on point MAGA republican.

    Apparently, his (and MAGA’s view) is:

    I’m not black, or latina, or Asian, or (insert minority), so I shouldn’t be concerned about racism.

    I’m not poor, so I shouldn’t be concerned about the poor.

    I’m not (insert issue) so I shouldn’t be concerned about it.

    So very MAGA, and so christian.

  29. Tell that to my stupid over 50 aunt that always voted for Dump, even though she hated most of his policies, bc she’s a single issue pro-forced birth bitch.

    It was certainly an issue for her when over 50.

  30. RedLanternScythe on

    Wome over 50, since it doesn’t affect you, you will help us strip rights from all younger women, right?

  31. Serialfornicator on

    Some women of 50 have DAUGHTERS, and even so oh dammit this is so fucking maddening I don’t even know how or why I need to reply. Fuck them.

  32. Maybe not for old MAGA women—they don’t care about anyone but themselves. This Independent old woman happens to care very much about all fascism, and I would walk 100 miles to vote against Trump or his minions. 

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