Ukrainian GUR infantry units fighting in Vovchansk aggregate plant. Reported as being liberated on 24 september 2024

Source: jisooya1432

1 Comment

  1. Its a small victory, but Russia were finally kicked out of the plant after being encircled and only supplied with drones since the beginning of June. I know that sounds quite unbelivable, but these Russians were indeed chilling in there for over 3 months with little to no rotation/relief

    The town is completely destroyed, even more so than Bakhmut, after being glide bombed since the beginning of may

    From source: https:// t . me / DIUkraine/4516

    GUR officially report the liberation of the Vovchansk aggregate plant.On Tuesday, September 24, at 2:40 p.m., the commander of the GUR special unit Timur reported to the head of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kyryl Budanov about the successful completion of the operation. The operation was carried out by special groups of GUR: “Stugna”, “Paragon”, “Yunger”, BDK, “Terror”.

    Note that Russia still holds the northern streets in Vovchansk, but about 90% is controlled by Ukraine

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