‘It’s the only way’: More Republicans back Harris with goal of purging Trump to save the GOP

Source: Coffee_n_wifi


  1. Foundsomething24 on

    To save *what?*

    The people supposedly attempting to save the GOP are everything wrong with it. They don’t like trump because he isn’t a religious nutter who wants to ban abortion, he wants the party to move on from that issue & they have made it their identity (for grifting purposes). The democrats don’t want the republicans to move on from it because the democrats know that opposing abortion is a losing issue, and are interested in *winning* not fundraising.

  2. Viciouscauliflower21 on

    Or alternatively just pulling Dems more to the “center” (the right) until a split is forced. Which is far more likely than the GOP changing

  3. Never forget they were the ones who lead to Trump and MAGA. The rats may be jumping ship now that he’s become a sinking burden and taking refuge on the S.S. Democrat, but make no mistake they’re going to be rebuilding their own boat once the orange emperor kicks the bucket. They’ll just make sure to patch up the holes they forgot to this round (by getting a smarter figurehead that doesn’t say the quiet parts out loud) and get right back to ripping away rights and cutting taxes for the rich/corporations, just like they’ve always done for decades.

  4. The only way that they truly #DumpTrump is to do what they should have done in 2020: publicly condemn him, distance themselves from Trump and stop supporting him in any way. Until this break is made, until the voters see that even his own party won’t support him, Trump will continue to threat democracy and the people he’s swearing to represent.

    It will be tough for R’s to do, but we must put all of this behind us. I doubt a single R who supports him would do that, but as we’ve seen in this election so far, anything can happen.

  5. GOP has made its bed. In my opinion, anyone who saw 2016-2020 and *still* supports Trump is forever unclean.

    I can never support any politician who backed Trump in 2020 or 2024. That’s my litmus test.

  6. Ok-Possibility-923 on

    Best case scenario is dems became the moderate/corporate party (which they already are), and a viable left wing party emerges. Let’s shift the Overton window back to the left.

  7. The GOP is already dead. They let Trump subsume and suffocate it. They aren’t getting it back.

    The most likely path forward is a party split into some Old Guard Republicanism and the new wave MAGA party. Neither will be able to control a federal branch on their own, but they can probably claim enough seats to stifle Democrats and exert influence at the state level.

    After a few cycles of that, we might see the left do something similar with a growing progressive wing. Something to watch over the next 20 years.

  8. Please let there be more Republicans with patriotism! Don’t say it’s too late or they are just trying to save their skins. They have joined us at the gate against the hordes. Thank them and welcome their help!👏👏👏

  9. The GOP should be left to rot from the inside out. They all put in with Trump and were happy to jump on the band wagon. Rats on a sinking ship don’t deserve applause

  10. Wow, if they team up with the Lincoln Project guys, the anti-Trump Republicans could number in the dozens!

  11. They all approve of his actions. They just don’t like the PR negative response. They want the actions to be completed, they NEED to push through their corruption. This is all performative. They aren’t feeling guilty or anything. They just don’t like the negative public opinion trump now has.

  12. The people who supported him don’t go away after he loses. The GOP has shown their hand. They will want that support in the future and will rely on dogwhistles to get it.

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