Big banks, oil companies, and tech firms lobby at Labour’s business day — More than 500 lobbyists, executives flock to access ministers at £3,000-a-head event

Source: marketrent


  1. Pretty sure most political conferences have these, but it’s interesting the Guardian are the ones pointing it out. Starmer must have really pissed them off.

  2. >The event was more transparent than in previous years and those at the Conservative party conference, with delegates given the chance to question Reeves, Starmer and Jonathan Reynolds, the business secretary, in hour-long sessions in front of an audience.

    >One delegate expressed disappointment that there were “no roundtables where you get the chance to raise things with ministers” – unlike at the Conservative conference – and that businesses were finding it difficult to secure meetings with ministers.

    >“We don’t really have the feeling that we are being listened to and there isn’t much of a chance for one-on-one chats with ministers,” one business representative said.

    >Another lobbyist said: “They talk a good game about being pro-business but we are all nervous about what we are going to see in the budget and what the workers’ rights package will end up looking like. That’s what we are all talking about here.”

    Labour hosts event to speak to business leaders. Charges entry. Speaks to audience as a part of panels.

    I particularly love this quote:

    >“We asked for it as quickly as possible but we still don’t know what it is, or who is leading it,” said one senior industry representative.

    “We asked a new Government to do something for us as quickly as possible but they haven’t done it yet”


    >Others said they expected to learn little from the event before the chancellor’s budget next month. “We didn’t get anything new, did we?” said a representative of one leading industrial company.

    ‘We wanted the Government to leak policy to us ahead of it being announced but they didn’t’


  3. Excerpts from [article]( by Rowena Mason and Richard Partington:

    *[…] Another lobbyist said: “They talk a good game about being pro-business but we are all nervous about what we are going to see in the budget and what the workers’ rights package will end up looking like. That’s what we are all talking about here.”*

    *Delegates were also grumbling about the “stale sandwich” buffet lunch and lack of top-tier cabinet ministers in attendance at the “networking” section of the event.*

    *The event has doubled in size from last year, when Labour was in opposition, and it raised the cost for attendance by almost 50% to £3,000 a seat.*

    *There were more than 100 executives in attendance, from companies including Uber, the private equity firm Blackstone and the oil companies ExxonMobil and Shell, as well as the banks Citi Group and JP Morgan Europe.*

    *Many of the questions from the floor pressed for more details on the government’s planned industrial strategy, its approach to taxation and how it would implement its package on workers’ rights. […]*

  4. I will take it back. I said that nothing will change with the ecbomy with labour in power. Thebinky thing that can be done is the the toey sleaze will be rolled back….
    Wow. How wrong i was. They just queued up for more of the same. We are fucked.

  5. Not a new story – most MPs of the Government and Opposition have staffers who are placed by Special Interest Groups and Lobbying Businesses into their office. Mainly Conservative and Labour.

  6. Disastrous_Fruit1525 on

    Did they bring dresses, Mrs starmer likes dresses, and glasses for Kieth so he can gaze upon her beauty. Ange wants a free holiday if anyone has anything going. After all, the Tory scum did it, so why shouldn’t she. Now I see why starmer knifed Corbyn in the back, can’t see old Jeremy putting up with this champagne socialism. /s

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