Trump Says People Criticizing Supreme Court Justices Should Be Jailed

Source: Silly-avocatoe


  1. WhyCantIStopReddit on

    So an explicit violation of the first amendment? Do any republicans care to explain why this is an acceptable thing for their presidential candidate to say?

  2. 2_Spicy_2_Impeach on

    >“They were very brave, the Supreme Court. Very brave. And they take a lot of hits because of it,” said the former president. “It should be illegal, what happens. You know, you have these guys like playing the ref, like the great Bobby Knight. These people should be put in jail the way they talk about our judges and our justices, trying to … sway their vote, sway their decision”

    Oh, is this the attack on free speech that conservatives have been talking about? I’m sure they’ll condemn it soon.

    Also, Bobby Knight? What kind of dated reference is this?

  3. You’ll hear nothing about this from the free speech warriors on Twitter because their definition of free speech is just being able to say whatever bigoted shit they want and not get banned.

  4. This is the reason I can’t wait to vote against this fool, there is no way I want to spend four more years listening to the fat orange diaper baby spewing stupid anti American shit like this on a daily basis.

  5. He’s indirectly communicating with the SCOTUS by this message. He’s subtly telling them to help him. It’s more coded language

  6. Apprehensive_Idea758 on

    Donald Trump is becoming even more mentally unstable everyday and he must never be allowed back into the White House.

    He is a threat to Democracy, the constitution and global security and if re-elected he will destroy America by turning America into a dystopian facist theocracy and an idiocracy that will result in a second U.S. civil war, collapse of American society where there would be possibility of recovery.

    If you care about your freedom,way of life, your country or your fellow citizens you will get up , go out and vote onTuesday, November the 5th in order to keep that psychotic wannabe dictator out of power.

    Time is quickly running out but it’s not too late to make a difference.

  7. BlueMysteryWolf on

    So then I say this in a hypothetical way:

    Clarence Thomas is corrupt and provides only farther proof that our laws in the USA can be overridden by the value of a dollar.

    See. Not serious at all. Just hypothetical. Not at all criticizing.

  8. Just to reminds folks, he wishes to be a dictator for a day. He believes in suspending the constitution. He is wishes to outlaw speaking poorly of scotus and also burning of the flag.

    If you are a republican and support trump, that means you are admitting to not caring about the constitution.

  9. Things Grump has said:

    * “These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court [are]( shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives.”
    * “The Justices ‘[punted](,’ much like in a football game (where hopefully they would stand for our great American Flag).”
    * “The DACA decision … a highly political one, and seemingly not [based]( on the law.”
    * “The recent Supreme Court decisions, not only on DACA, Sanctuary Cities, Census, and others, [tell]( you only one thing, we need NEW JUSTICES of the Supreme Court.”
    * “Do you [get]( the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?”
    * “Courts in the past have [given]( ‘broad deference’. BUT NOT ME!”

  10. StronglyHeldOpinions on

    I’ll start:

    Our SCOTUS is compromised and no longer upholds the law!

    Come get me, Trump.

  11. Curious to see how the term limit detail might look like in relation to current sitting judges who have been on the court 18+ years. I can think of a few that fit this category (and also have violated the ethics code of conduct as well). Also, hypothetically Harris wins the election. It says sitting presidents would appoint a new judge every two years (so appointments in 2026 and 2028 respectively). This means two sitting justices would be out be the end of her first term. Pending any early dismissals, this puts the court at a 5-4 Democratic appointment advantage. So much better than waiting for judges to resign whenever they feel like. However, the sitting president would need congressional approval to make these changes. Kinda ups the ante for down ballot races. Vote vote vote!

  12. When Scalia died under obama, republicans blocked the nomination. Yet when RBG died under trump, he got to make the nomination. It is so disgusting what US politics has become. Republicans twist everything around to suit their own narrative of “democracy”.

  13. RynheartTheReluctant on

    Elon Musk shall certainly drop his support for Trump now, given his strong views on free speech.


  14. Thisaccountgarbage on

    Sure, totally. I’d gladly go to jail for a few years for criticizing the Supreme Court. As long as Elon musk is hung to death for his “jokes” about Biden and Harris being assassinated. It’s only fair for his treason.

  15. Does he mean anyone or just the ones that speak out about the maga judges? Ya that’s what I thought.

  16. I hope people are paying attention. He’s been saying X or Y should be put in jail “just cuz” A LOT lately.

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