Pressure grows on Trump to accept second Harris debate

Source: polymute


  1. For all this macho-ism and misogyny coming from him, he sure is afraid of facing a woman.

    Harris definitely put him in his place and showed him who’s boss such that the orange submissive is still licking his wounds and whining about his chafed asshole.

  2. He can’t. He is a senile, demented, old fool. It would show itself again in another debate. That is why he was so quick to chicken out of another debate.

    Trump is very afraid that Harris wipes the floor with him yet again. And she would easily.

  3. I worry that bar will be so low for him that there may not be much to gain from this. I think the best play is to call him out for cowardice and not debate. I just can’t see a person having as bad a night as he did during the first debate.

  4. -ifeelfantastic on

    You could tell he was terrified of meeting her for the first time. The way he tried to hide behind the podium when she approached him to shake his hand 🤣 

  5. yes_thats_right on

    Biden’s American Economy is up **+7.15%** over the past 6 months.

    Trump’s DJT company is down **-75.7%** over the past 6 months.

    We cannot afford to let Trump run this country like his businesses. If Trump wins, you will lose your job and your home.

  6. I think that she will get under his skin enough that he will debate her again. A narcissist will not let that shit stand!

  7. Cantthinkofnamedamn on

    His excuse is so weak. ‘It’s too late, early voting has started already.’…by that logic, why is he still doing other campaigning, also isn’t he supposed to be against early voting?

  8. I love that Republicans think he has any self control. Like a 78 yo malignant narcissist with zero therapy can just turn it around because it makes sense to.

    It’s so much in their wheelhouse of having no capacity for empathy or understanding people at all.

  9. CRTsdidnothingwrong on

    As I saw an Australian presenter put it, he’s lost 6 out of the 7 debates he’s ever done. It literally does not make sense for him to do another one, he does better in elections than debates.

  10. He knows he loses either way. He either looks weak by not debating, or he looks weak when Harris wipes the floor with him again. He’ll never agree to another debate. It’s more work in it than any possible positive for him. He’d rather golf. I’d love to see a second debate. I also look forward to this election being over. Please, for the love of God, VOTE.

  11. He’s too low energy, old and scared. He couldn’t handle her the first time, second time isn’t going to change anything. He’s just outclassed and stupid.

    At least with him debating Biden it was two old men yelling at each other, so it didn’t seem so obvious.

  12. Reason I actually don’t want him to accept another debate: his cultists literally terrorized a town because of his last debate performance. 

    Reason I do want him to accept another debate: pure comedic fodder. 

  13. Let him be the chicken. It’s probably the best outcome for Democrats. A second debate might make people forget the first one.

  14. He already said it’s too late. I’m assuming by that he means that it’s too late for him to catch back up with her in the polls and why have another debate to only make that margin even bigger?

  15. xXTheGrapenatorXx on

    The best part is that in saying no initially there is no outcome that denies Dems a narrative; either he’s too scared to debate again or he gets bullied into doing it again with a little mockery. He can come out looking bad no matter how he responds.

  16. I doubt he’ll do it again no matter the pressure. He suffered a major narcissistic wound on national television. With all the problems he already has I don’t think he’s even close to recovering from that yet.

  17. Oh please. The press has become a joke. Pressure like the pressure he was under to release his tax returns? I’m sure we’ll get a second debate right after he releases his tax returns.

    There will be no second debate.

  18. Donny isn’t putting a lot of effort into his campaign.

    I suspect they have a different plan to “win”.

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