Trump Rages at Nebraska State Senator for Defying His Electoral College Wishes

Source: baquir


  1. Here we go again. Has GA vibes and 2020 all over.

    Folks, we can not let this election be close. We need to shut the door forever and close this turmoil chapter of our lives.

    Kudos to Mike for standing up to the bully and for ensuring the electorate integrity.

  2. SoundSageWisdom on

    Whiny ass loser. I suggest he learn how to lose by November 5. I’m tired of listening to his whiny ass.

  3. HylianTomOnReddit on

    What’s wrong, Trumpy? It’s not like this was your only realistic path to 269EVs, was it?

    ..was it?

  4. Please piss off a bunch of people in Nebraska. I would love for him to lose all the electoral votes in that state instead of just one.

  5. It’s bad enough the electoral college still exists, it’s worse when they attempt to manipulate it.

  6. Wonder what the likelihood of their second district getting all pissed off about this along with everything else and turning blue? That would be something.

  7. ArthurVandelay23 on

    Trump tried to insult him by calling him a “Democrat turned Republican”. Which is ironically what Trump is.

  8. SkillFullyNotTrue on

    Republicans please record all incoming Trump calls this is gives Georgia “perfect phone call.”

  9. ireallyreallyreddit on

    Actually I agree with GOP.. But lets zoom out and make this national.. The winner of popular vote nationwide takes all..

  10. sorospaidmetosaythis on

    Grandpa Ranty’s internal polling must have caused another hissy fit. Someone adjust his meds again, please.

  11. So let me know if I’m wrong to assume he is going to capitulate and give Trump what he wants. I hope I’m not, but in the end, they might find an exception in NEBRASKA of all places to do some ratfuckery.

  12. So is anything going to be actually done about this round of Trumps blatant & obvious attempts to steal this election, or is he still just gonna keep getting allowed to make a joke of an already pathetic justice system?

  13. The whiney little bitch can’t handle being told “No”. He expects everyone to break the law for him and assume 100% of the risk and zero reward. How he’s considered “presidential” material by even 10 Americans is unfathomable. The US is chocked full of ignorant motherfuckers who are mostly white men. By saying they’re ignorant, I’m also implying that they’re racist.

  14. Now that Nebraska Republicans have shown their hand it would be irresponsible for Maine to not act preemptively.

  15. Gen-Jack-D-Ripper on

    How can someone reach the age of 78 yet have the maturity of a spoiled 10 year old?

    And… and… this is as obvious as “Water is wet!” Yet, the same people who have complained about the decline in public education are too fking dumb to see it!

  16. Trump’s clueless. You’re not easily going to get stubborn northern plains Midwesterners to change their ways. NE has a different politics, and they’re proud of it just because it’s theirs. Unicameral legislature and split electors is their thing.

  17. Trump took issue with McDonnell’s decision, calling him a “Democrat turned Republican(?)” in a post on his Truth Social platform.

    “I would like to thank Governor Jim Pillen of Nebraska for trying to help the Republican Party simplify the complexity of the State’s Electoral Map. It would have been better, and far less expensive, for everyone! Unfortunately, a Democrat turned Republican(?) State Senator named Mike McDonnell decided, for no reason whatsoever, to get in the way of a great Republican, common sense, victory,” he wrote. “Just another ‘Grandstander!’ Who knows, perhaps one of the others two Republicans that were a “NO” Vote will change their minds.”

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