‘Scorched earth’: Laura Loomer unleashes anti-GOP tirade after reportedly getting booted from Trump’s entourage

Source: PvtSherlockObvious


  1. 2_Spicy_2_Impeach on

    >Not only that, Trump is said to have privately described Loomer as “crazy” to those close to him.

    I would bet a very large sum of money that’s nonsense. It’s just damage control now.

  2. She thought of trump as a great opportunity to earn money, and to be involved in the white house. just sour grapes that she was too much of a crazy grifter for them.

  3. This person is no longer human. Literally she has no facial expression. It’s just a blank stare.

    Highly creepy.

  4. SeaBackground5779 on

    Oooh this could get interesting. Did she keep recordings of her private time with DiaperDon?

  5. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    The media can be hilarious sometimes. “Scorched Earth” to describe some tweets…

    Let’s call it what it is. Butthurt whining on social media. We can save the dramatic “scorched earth” term for when someone literally gets nuked… ok?

  6. She is particularly dangerous because I truly think she is a true believer in this crap as opposed to a dime a dozen grifter

  7. Last-Juggernaut4664 on

    Damn. I was hoping she’d feed his paranoia a little while longer. Well, there’s more where she came from.

  8. IDrewTheDuckBlue on

    Can you imagine if kamala was flying around with some left wing nut job who was demanding things like socialized healthcare. The shit storm on fox news would be relentless. This wackjob can post literal nazi bullshit, Donald can be aware of it and still praise her, and they can just sweep her away with no consequences

  9. Doesn’t this tell you something about the judgement, professionalism, and vetting that is going on in the Trump campaign.

    You shouldn’t need an outsider to tell you that Loomer is toxic. if you can see it yourself…

  10. LittleBallOfWait on

    >Loomer also pushed the claim that Harris wore earrings with a built-in earpiece in order to “cheat” during the debate.

    This is the stupidest bit of R copium from the debate. No one, fucking no one, would have needed real time coaching to wipe the floor with the Fanta Menace. He was terrible and she was pretty good, if nervous at times. She did not, however, require someone whispering in her ear to keep her inside the realm of reality. Trump could have used some earrings.

  11. She’s not relevant unless she can drop insider gossip. Otherwise, she’ll just be ignored as a loudmouth by all sides.

  12. yes_thats_right on

    Biden’s American Economy is up **+7.15%** over the past 6 months.

    Trump’s DJT company is down **-75.7%** over the past 6 months.

    We cannot afford to let Trump run this country like his businesses. If Trump wins, you will lose your job and your home.

  13. juniper_berry_crunch on

    A remora in search of its next free lunch, its bulbous lips ready to attach to its prey.

  14. RevivedMisanthropy on

    “Even conspiratorial politicians such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) find Loomer’s worldview concerning. Greene became a target of Loomer in recent weeks after the lawmaker criticized her for making racist remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris.”

    *Am I reading this correctly?*

  15. I hear she handcuffed herself to the lolita maga express and they just took off anyway. She had to suction-cup herself to the fuselage with her lips to keep from having her arm torn off.
    She just hung there flapping away like a sky remora.

  16. MagicMushroomFungi on

    Laura Loomer fucked a boomer and thought she had it made.
    Trump then hit a slump and ditched the lady he secretly laid.
    Loomer moaned and Trump groaned as Melania insisted she be paid.

  17. It’s because she bragged to people about giving Trump a blow job and about Trump telling her it was the best of his life.

    Now she’s mad that Trump listens to other people more than her and someone is paying Melania to make campaign appearances.


  18. The only thing worse than this piece of shit is when people waste time talking about this piece of shit. Fuck this hateful, grifting, fucked up face having lady.

    One of the reasons I know we’re fucked as a species is because we’ve reached a point where pieces of human garbage like this lady, who possess zero redeeming qualities and contributes nothing of value to society (neither actual nor perceived), are given the benefit of having their existence acknowledged by the public at large.

    Fuck this moron and the rest of her dumb as rocks, grifter ilk.

  19. This has to be one of the fastest turnarounds? This is trumps ENTIRE thing. He will use you when you’re useful, he’ll make you kiss the ring in front of everyone. And the *instant* you’re no longer useful, or you have nothing to give him, he’ll throw you under the bus. He expects loyalty but gives *none*. The list of people he’s done this to is extensive. And for any trump supporters out there, he’ll do this to you too. You can go back decades and see him do this same thing over, and over and over.

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