Winnipeg School Division frowns on fundraisers, wants schools to stop asking parents to pay

Source: ienjoysporting


  1. Matt Henderson is slowly destroying our schools.

    Taking away extra curricular activities that parents want their kids to have.

    Apparently tried/ trying to remove AP because naturally smarter kids should not be able to spread their wings.

    Apparently getting rid of nursery, can’t wait to hear how that is unfair to society.

    This communist won’t stop until the WSD is destroyed. He needs to step down before the damage is irreversible.

  2. This does make sense. Why should parents have to buy play structures and equipment ?

    Down in the US many districts have schools that are very uneven because the schools budgets come.from a more granular local tax base and parents chip in large amounts. I witnessed first.hand how the rich kid school was carpeted, had notch computer equipment and laptops for the kids. The school a few blocks away had none of that and barely had books for kids to use.

  3. cyberentomology on

    Good. “School Fundraisers” are almost universally some sort of sales scam designed to enrich the vendor.

  4. Creative-Resource880 on

    Didn’t read the article but my assumption is this is in the name of equity? Same as banning sports teams and auditions for specialist arts programs?

    Let’s all loose together. Because I can’t have it neither can you!

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