Quebec backtracks on English eligibility certificate for health care

Source: SpecialistPlan9641


  1. Headline : “Quebec backtracks”

    Content : “Quebec reiterates for the n-th time that this was never on the table”

  2. There is no back tracking since a certificate has never been required in the first place.

    That’s just the gazette spining a baseless story to bait some clicks

  3. The article is wrong and considering that this is the same journalist that covered this whole story on multiple articles, it can’t be a mistake, they are spreading disinformation on purpose.

    >Responding to an outcry from the anglophone community, Quebec’s health ministry has issued a new directive stating explicitly that people in the province can obtain medical and social services in English without a certificate, replacing controversial rules last July that appeared to restrict access to such services in languages other than French.

    This was also the case in the other directive, Quebec did not change their position. They had to reword it because that journalist (I don’t think he deserves that title) would take part of the directive without context to push a false narrative.

    Given the seriousness of the allegation, Quebec did the right thing by reassuring the public as much as possible.

  4. The Gazette literally created a problem out of thin air and then claimed victory after Quebec re-stated for the thousandth time that it never never existed in the first place

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