FBI stats show murder dropped 11.6%, the largest single year decline in the last 20 years

Source: WhileFalseRepeat


  1. Nope, Trump told me billions of people were murdered in the US this year. All by Haitians and Venezuelans.

  2. We’re safer and less violent as a species than ever before in history and all deserve a pat on the back for doing our part.

  3. I hate to say it, but I’ll be curious to see what these numbers do as we pass 18 years from these new abortion bans.

    The effect of a generation of children whose parents weren’t prepared to care for them is something we’ve seen before. Crime was going up and up until about 1991-1992 which was about 18 years after Roe.

    I’m going way off topic sorry

  4. Trump said, “Our crime rate is going up, while crime statistics all over the world are going down.”

    ““There’s been a 43% increase in violent crimes since I left office.”

    “Joe Biden is trying to convince Americans not to believe their own eyes,” campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement, adding that “Democrats have turned great American cities into cesspools of bloodshed and crime.”

    If Trump wins, he can legally torture anyone he wants, like his hero, Kim Jong Un.

  5. WhileFalseRepeat on

    > Crime, including serious violent incidents like murder and rape, dropped nationally from 2022 to 2023, according to new data released by the FBI on Monday.
    > Violent crime was down about 3% from 2022 to 2023 and property crime took a similar drop of 2.4%, the FBI reported in its annual “Summary of Crime in the Nation.” The most serious crimes went down significantly: Murder and non-negligent manslaughter were down an estimated 11.6% — the largest single year decline in two decades — while rape decreased by an estimated 9.4%.
    > As part of his 2024 campaign, former President Donald Trump has tried to spread the notion that the United States is undergoing a crime wave, and he called the FBI’s prior numbers a “fraud” during his debate with Kamala Harris, saying that some cities weren’t included. But the FBI factors in the information gaps into their estimates. The bureau noted that its 2023 data included full-year numbers from “every city agency covering a population of 1,000,000 or more inhabitants.”
    > Overall, the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) collected information from 700 additional agencies in 2023 compared to 2022. The total population covered by the report is more than 315 million people, or 94.3% of the country.

    Facts over fiction.

  6. But they’ll still support trump in 2024. Maybe even make up some shit at the last minute to promote him. Who knows.

  7. The issue isn’t murder for most people since homicide is mostly a personal rather than random act. I think most Americans worry more about their car being broken into or being mugged. Those crimes did spike during the pandemic, and it takes time for that worry to ease.

    There’s also the issue of homelessness. Visibly homeless people make Americans feel unsafe regardless of the actual crime rate. Plus high profile stories, such as in NYC of people being pushed onto subway tracks, easily scare people.

  8. Is this going to be one of those stats that can absolutely be true and will still get derided by *”It’s an election year and they’re changing it to help so-and-so”*?

  9. “Crime is the worst it’s ever been!!” says the guy sponsored by the private prison industry

  10. EggVegetable9258 on

    But but MIGRANT CRIME!!! A migrant that murders an American citizen counts as 5 murders!!!!

  11. Peace and love, don’t ever hurt anyone there is no reason to solve differences w violence. Be strong and show your mercy and empathy for those who you disagree with and remember we are all brothers sisters cousins etc to each other

  12. It’s so UNFAIR that murderers stop murdering in an election year to help Sleepy Joe Biden and Kamabla Hussein Harris!

  13. There’s a lot of attempts to obfuscate this good trend by trying to muddy the waters regarding how the data is collected and defined. A perfect example is Trump trying to claim that “they didn’t include the big cities” as if it isn’t possible to generate prev yr data that also excludes specific cities who may not have been reported yet for curr yr (if we assume that there is some level of truth to Trump’s claims).

    It’s just not that hard to dig into the specifics of data to determine if it is wildly manipulated, and there is no indication that there are blatant attempts to combine apples and oranges for headlines. But, as usual, there are certain people and groups who benefit from creating a “we can’t know what is true and what is false” and “the data can’t be trusted” worldview that they can then spread their misinformation within.

  14. ButterscotchLow8950 on

    So the main push I see keeps specifically saying that VIOLENT crime is dropped. I read somewhere that car thefts were on the rise last year.

    It makes me wonder what other categories there are, or if there is a big bucket for Non-Violent crimes and how those stats look.

    Because of crime is down, why TF do I have to wait for an attendant to come and unlock all the new security cases that have been installed where I shop? 🤷🏽‍♂️

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