For-profit nursing agencies a $1 billion Band-Aid gone wrong in Ontario

Source: Kicksavebeauty


  1. Cute-Illustrator-862 on

    It’s the classic Doug Ford pay-to-play program. It went as well as Doug Ford planned it.

  2. This was a massive grift from day one, with a notable beneficiary being conservative party insider Mike Harris (former ontario conservative premier) who owns a private nursing staffing agency! By capping public nurse wages to 1% increases per year while setting no limits on private nursing agency rates, he effectively legislated a mass exodus of public nurses into the private sector where corporations get a cut of the contracts. 

    Privatization will not deliver efficiency or better outcomes, the people in power pursuing it are just looking to enrich themselves and their friends.

  3. And this is why people trying to defend the likes of Ford by saying “but healthcare spending is up!” is BS. So much of it now is being skimmed by for profit groups for crappier service that the added spending means next to nothing, or less than.

    But that implies this wasn’t done on purpose. Privatizing healthcare has been a goal for decades by various groups. Eventually it’ll normalize and Canada will have shit service like the US where it’s great if you have money and the “right” kind of insurance. Or a politician of course cause they get full tax funded coverage for everything.

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