Crime, disorder take centre stage in B.C. election, but statistics tell complex story

Source: Unusual-State1827


  1. >Statistics Canada data show the overall per capita crime rate

    Per capita crime rates are basically a meaningless number for now. They’re saying it to mislead people.

    They blew up our population.

  2. I for one will not be shocked when a BC govt is elected and crime gets worse. This same wash rinse repeat crap has been going on for over 10 years.

  3. I used to live in BC. My place had “low crime rate” because we stop reporting to police. Police does not care about your avg petty crime

  4. I know multiple people who have had car break ins – in many cases thr car was not locked and in all cases there were objects in the car.
    Feces on the street is from people living on the streets and a lack of toilets.
    Fires, I don’t know – people keeping warm?
    The Pandora paramedic swarm was not as bad as reported.

  5. Cops don’t care, politicians don’t care, the legal system doesn’t care, and citizens are told to just deal with it. Part and parcel, and all that.

    Just yesterday I saw a dude carrying what appeared to be a small pistol, although it could have been one of those lighters that looks like a gun. Anyhoo, didn’t have my phone on me but I see a cop car at Starbucks (shocker), go in, tell the cops about it. Of course they immediately put their drinks down, and moving with purpose went to go see what… no wait, the cop told me “K we’ll look into it” and got his drink. Gee, thanks, I feel safer already.

    Nobody bothers reporting crime, and the police only care if a law abiding citizen is defending themselves against a career criminal; then the cuffs come out and the judge throws the book at the guy. Otherwise, it’s a shrug, a lame excuse, and FIDO. (F It Drive On for those who aren’t as tactical as me)

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