‘I’m in my 20s and HIV positive – reaction from men on dates is never what I expect’

Source: ProblemIcy6175


  1. I’m posting this here to raise awareness. Everyone should know that someone who is HIV+ and on effective medication poses zero risk of passing on the virus to others, and they can live a long healthy life thanks to the treatments that are available.

  2. MeanCustardCreme on

    This whole article is a mess and full of contradictions.

    >”Among heterosexual men and women in London, diagnoses rose by 14% last year and outside London by 11%,”

    Okay, so looks like it’s a bit of a problem, isn’t it? Yet at the same time:

    >Ellie is keen to help remove the stigma once and for all. 

    Should removing the stigma really be the key thing? Because according to the article stats, there’s not *enough* of a stigma around it. I mean, okay, we should educate people, however I’d like to understand how you plan tackle a rise in the spread of HIV whilst trying to “normalise” it, because this could do more harm than good.

  3. Personal_Lab_484 on

    Funnily enough you’re far less likely to get HIV from someone who knows they have it.

    Because they will be on treatment and have a count so low they can’t pass it on. If you want you can do prep and make it even less likely ( it’s already a 0% chance but if it makes you feel better)

    The HIV that’s gonna get a straight male is from a woman who thinks she’s fine. It’s the lack of testing that gets you.

    It wouldn’t be a an issue for me at all if they were open about it and could show me a test for their count.

  4. > From spending hours swiping on apps to navigating sticky situationships, it’s no secret that dating is harder than ever

    Is there a conversation to be had that maybe dating apps are the issue? All that time swiping that can be used for more productive things like going outside or refining your skills

    Just asking tbh. It kind a makes sense why this generation is struggling. Especially in views towards marriage etc.

    Just asking. And would love to hear thoughts

  5. I understand that HIV is easier to live with, but I wish my fellow straight people would take safe sex more seriously.  

    I’ve had way too many “girl talks” with women who have the attitude that if they’re on the pill/implant/injection or have had their tubes tied, then one night stands with strangers without condoms is just fine.

  6. GrapefruitBig5149 on

    Medication or not, nobody is going to take that risk I’m sorry. This is the reason there is hiv dating and things like that.

  7. Little does she know it’s actually the best filter ever. Everyone that reacts like a GRID pusher from the 80’s is an easy dump.

  8. ParkedUpWithCoffee on

    My expectation would be someone with HIV is going to find their dating pool as extremely limited.

    I can’t believe anyone would be surprised by it. Even with the anti-viral treatments, it’s going to be something that most people will exclude from their dating pool.

  9. Minimum-Geologist-58 on

    My trouble, being honest, is that while I absolutely know about HIV treatments, I was born in the 80s and society hardwired all that “deadly gay plague” stuff into my brain so thoroughly that I absolutely could not bring myself to overlook it, I would be utterly flaccid and in fear of my life!

    I hope the younger generation can be more enlightened about such things!

  10. Thin_Formal_3727 on

    I’m not risking having a life long issue for some tinder girl.
    If this was about a guy, nobody would expect a girl to take that risk.
    It shouldn’t be a suprise that HIV is still a red flag. I hope she finds the right person, but you should 100% expect it to be a tougher journey for you.

  11. randomusername123xyz on

    I’m sorry but how can anyone be surprised that people are going to have a negative reaction to a romantic opportunity with someone who has one of the worst sexually transmitted diseases? It’s awful for the girl but it’s a perfectly understandable human response.

  12. What exactly is the issue here? HIV is transmissible through sex, yes medication can ‘eliminate’ that risk of the person is taking their meds but let’s not pretend like it there is no residual risk.

    Most people aren’t going to want to take that risk, even the people who are more educated than the ones who think you can get it from kissing. I would never personally be willing to take that risk and I’d immediately end any further contact with a potential romantic partner if they revealed they had it.

    Surely there’s apps or dating sites for this type of scenario?

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