LNP leads Labor by 10 points before Qld election: poll

Source: Leland-Gaunt-


  1. i sort of want the LNP to win,just so the ppl of queensland learn from their mistakes

    It will be a fucking disaster when they get in,everyone will remember why they booted them out last time,then boot them out in 3 years

    I’ve seen no real substantial policy ideas from QLNP,it’s mainly just fear mongering around youth crime,yet no policy to adress real issues like hospital wait,educations,jobs and the like

    EDIT:ahh the rustles have been jimmied

  2. This is more people being sick of Labor than particularly liking the LNP. I think Miles has done a good job since he took over and it’ll be way closer than 10 points.

  3. When the QLNP took over under Campbell Newman, their policies utterly destroyed my family’s small business. How the average Queenslander can support them utterly baffles me. I can’t even think of why people dislike the QLabour party. This result just confuses me so much.

  4. IndividualParsnip797 on

    It’s disappointing. But we will get what we deserve. Qld will be pineappled, and in 4 years’ time, he will be thrown out on his arse and people will be standing around wondering why our hospital system is so bad and why electricity is so expensive.

  5. Defiant-Many1304 on

    Labor deserve to be kicked out for a generation. Near 30 years of completely atrocious government who solely concentrated on paving the south east corner with gold. Then the selfish people there played hunger games with regional/rural Queenaland with themselves as the Capitol.

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