Macron says France stands by Lebanon, calls to deescalate, doesn’t mention Hezbollah

Source: TotalPop5


  1. i7Rhodok_Condottiero on

    Dear Macron,

    Perhaps focus on the “political” group that has an army bigger than the actual countries army and safe your former colony.

    You’re words don’t matter, take action. If not, Israel will and you don’t get to cry about it due to your inaction.

  2. I couldn’t believe he said this. From AOC I could believe it – she’s a shill for the rape deniers and useful idiots. But I thought he was a bit more rational and connected to reality. I mean, Hezb slaughtered dozens of French servicemen… does he not know this??

  3. I get it, war is bad and there are better ways to handle this situation. But cmon man, taking the side of Lebanon and playing it like its the victim is just bs.

  4. Macron is right in this case. There is an increasing risk of a regional war and Israel seems to be in no hurry for negotiations or deescalating the conflict.

  5. No we don’t stand with levanon, they are looking for war, they will find it, none of our business 

  6. GrassyTreesAndLakes on

    Jfc WHAT?! Is he insane?? 

    Edit: “Macron had had a stern phone conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he told the premier, “You have a responsibility to prevent escalation. There is a diplomatic path. This is the moment to show leadership and responsibility. Your activities in the north are pushing the region to war” 

    He can go fuck himself. 

  7. If Macron wants to help, send your army in Lebanon and get rid of Hezbollah so the government and army takes full control of the country.

  8. Listen_Up_Children on

    What does calling to deescalate mean when Hezbollah says they will continue attacking Israel no matter what?

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