For first time, poll shows Colin Allred beating Ted Cruz in November

Source: plz-let-me-in


  1. Even that one poll is meaningful. The way to break the Democratic voter apathy in Texas is to demonstrate that they _can_ win. Once that happens, the floodgates will open.

  2. It’s what can happen when voters grow tired of performative politics taking priority over real leadership.

  3. SpeakAgainAncient1 on

    Very surprising, traditionally a politician who gives the middle finger to his constituency and abandons them while in a crisis usually plays well in this state. They also like guys who allow people to insult their wives and afterward kiss that person’s orange ass.

    Maybe Texas isn’t as backward as the GOP is banking on? Who would have thunk it?

  4. If he does beat him, it will be extremely close. Close enough for the Texas GOP to cheat and throw the election to Ted. Fuck their truly evil and reprehensible humans.

  5. I took a look at 2018, when Beto lost by 2.5pts, and not a single October poll showed a Beto lead. In fact, the only poll that showed him up more than a point was by Ipsos in early/mid September. They also pretty correctly predicted Betos 9pt beating in 2022 for Governor.

    Now, I recognize it is still mid sept, and this could be that outlier poll as well.

    However, my point is that polls showing D leads in Texas for senate would make this a race that is much more D favorable than 2018 or 2022 governor. It’s not like Beto was getting +1 polling and then lost.

    The biggest thing about all the 2024 TX senate polling IMO is that a solid 10% seem to be undecided across polls. How those people break will define this election given how many there are.

    Are they hardcore Trump voters that aren’t sold on Cruz but will vote straight ticket if they show up? Are they soft Trump voters that will stay home bc they’re unenthusiastic about both? Are they Cruz haters that just don’t know enough about Allred and are persuadable?

    Given how known of an entity Cruz is, this high level of undecideds must have some reservations on him.

    Right now my slightly unscientific average of the last 3 538 polls indicates a 44D-46R race. A 60/40 break on undecideds would turn this into a photo finish on election night.

  6. If given the choice between Kamala beating Trump or finally having Ted Cruz on the unemployment line, I’m not sure which one I would choose.

  7. I wish this poll hadn’t come out and would have just shown them neck and neck because that gives Abbot and Paxton time to kick more people off polls, close voting stations, reduce voting machines, and so forth.

  8. This is… not Newsweek. That’s good.

    It’s just one poll, but it fits in with other polling showing a close race. Which dovetails with Cruz accepting a debate — safe incumbents don’t usually do so.

    Paxton cranking voter suppression into overdrive is another indication that the race is close and winnable for Allred.

    File under “good data point”.

  9. Adventurous-Pen-8261 on

    I don’t see this happening in the very near future, but: you wanna get rid of the electoral college? Turn TX blue for 2+ election cycles. Republicans would have to reconsider the EC. Although I guess  the far more likely response would be to ramp up voter suppression, lies and do more coup attempts.

  10. I doubt it’ll be blue for the presidency, Texas suppresses the vote way too hard, there would need to be a larger margin to overcome it. But I can definitely see Cruz losing. He’s disliked by many in Texas.

  11. Sure_Quality5354 on

    Yeah… they also said that beto and mcgrath were “close races” too. Ill believe it when i see it

  12. I heard Ted Cruz pisses his pants on purpose because he enjoys the warm, wet feeling running down his legs

  13. Since the Harris campaign is flush with cash, I hope they’ll give another stimulus of funds to Allred and Murcasel-Powell along with all of the others in swing states.

  14. The different ads down here are something. Allred’s show him as a family man and attack Cruz for abandoning the state during the freeze and highlight the damage his policies have done to Texans. Cruz’s are like “Allred doesn’t know the difference between a boy and a girl LOLZ”

  15. Let’s turn Texas blue by going All-red! Go go Texans and let us know how the rest of us can help!

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