Donald Trump says he won’t run for president in 2028 if he loses election. It comes as a recent NBC News poll put his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris as five points ahead of Trump

Source: CookMotor


  1. I wonder if team orange has started gaming out who will be Harris’ AG; that has to be a concern. I can’t imagine her not putting someone in more assertive than Garland.

  2. I wonder if he’s allowing himself to even consider the likelihood of losing, or the likelidhood of jail time or if he’s convinced himself to forge ahead, everything’s gonna work out, he’ll win because he has to win, how could he not win, losing would be impossible and unbelievable

  3. This makes defeating him this November more important than ever. If he loses we finally get to be free from his reign. Maybe we’ll finally return to normalcy in politics (until the next Republican decides to harness all the racist energy from the MAGA base).

  4. I doubt he will live for even the term the Kamala will be president for anyway. He’s 78 and has the worst diet possible and has some dubious health practices.

  5. Not to question Trump’s veracity, but didn’t he say he would leave the country if he lost last time?

  6. Honestly, I think Trump will never step down from being the GOP leader as long as he can continue his grift. He now controls the RNC so he will continue to line his coffers and pay for his legal bills using the RNC funds. He will continue asking for donations from republicans and saying he will run again in 2028 and beyond. He will continue to do this as his source of income until the day he dies.

  7. Dramatic_Tomorrow_25 on

    He might not be alive for 2028. He is in a retiree age.

    We need to prepare for his hellish spawns called kids and in-laws.

  8. They doubled down after January 6th. Maybe they consider it after Trump dies (edit: I wish I could see what the GOP does in the parallel universe where Trump doesn’t turn his head), but I think the more likely course is they try and find a Trump-like replacement. IMO that will fail because Trump is a unique political entity in American history.

    I think we are a long way off from the GOP engaging in any sort of self-reflection.

  9. It’s still a good grift for him, so it’s likely he’ll continue to say he’ll run. Even if he’s in prison, he’ll still be using this con, probably through his kids.

  10. I hope he loses by landslide in this race, but his pride will make him want to run in 2028. He’s a carny sideshow that will fuck the MAGAts and repugblican cowards.

  11. He knows his populist right wing nonsense is coming up on it’s shelf life. He’s been pushing the same narrative for 9 years now and nothing he said got changed or got better when he was president. He knows that if he can’t stick the landing in this election no one will care going forward.

  12. When he loses in November, he’s immediately going to contest the results. He’ll use the filings as an excuse to delay cases. The moment he loses those, he’s going to claim he’s running in 2028 and cry election interference again.

  13. As long as Trump has legal fees, he’ll continue scampaigning as his base is full of absolute morons.

  14. Just go away man, just go away. I’m not even american and I’m so tired of this dude. Human personification of a poison. I feel for my American brothers and sisters.

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