Why the stakes are the highest they’ve ever been for Jagmeet Singh: ‘The moment that makes or breaks his political career’

Source: Blue_Dragonfly


  1. Probably should have voted the Liberals out IMO. Now they can’t count on the Liberals to support their policies and it’s not like he’s getting any brownie points for PP. Was probably hoping “tearing up the agreement” might have won him some points from the public but I feel like 99% of folks see right through it.

  2. Sigh is screwed, imo. Even if they become the official opposition, that would have to do more with liberal collapse I believe. Its time to look for a new leader, Singh clearly isnt connecting with the voters in a way that will grow the party.

  3. thestonernextdoor88 on

    Get rid of him. I want someone new and fresh and young. Someone that actually gives a shit. … Oh wait our government is corrupt. That won’t happen.

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