Starmer and Gray took football freebie from Boris Johnson’s former aide

Source: JimJonesdrinkkoolaid


  1. >Starmer was pictured at the game with lobbyist Katie Perrior, who ran Boris Johnson’s publicity campaign when he became London Mayor in 2008.

    Katie Perrior also worked for the Super League’s PR team. This is looking _very_ bad for Keir Starmer right now.

  2. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    >*Starmer was pictured at the game with lobbyist Katie Perrior, who ran Boris Johnson’s publicity campaign when he became London Mayor in 2008.*

    >*Johnson has praised Perrior and her Inhouse PR firm business partner Jo Tanner as “the Fortnum and Mason of Communications. They deliver, and they deliver quality. Without them, I simply would not have been made Mayor.”*

  3. He’s really not that good at some of this is he?

    It almost sounds like he’s done a taxpayer impact assessment for gifted football tickets but not for winter fuel allowance.

  4. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    >*A former Conservative spin doctor was hired to handle the European Super League’s PR hours before the much-criticised initiative was launched, openDemocracy has learned.*

    >*The breakaway European Super League (ESL) was announced at 11.30pm last Sunday night, in a press statement issued by iNHouse communications, a firm run by Theresa May’s director of communications Katie Perrior.*

    >*It has now emerged that iNHouse only started work on the now doomed competition earlier that day.*

    >*The decision by the ESL’s founders to hire Perrior’s firm so late in the day has raised further questions about the project, which was left in tatters on Tuesday after the six English Premier League clubs involved withdrew.*

  5. I love the fact people are getting uptight about this as if Arsenal are trying to buy the influence of a man who is already an Arsenal supporter.

  6. Longjumping_Win_7770 on

    The lesser of evils:

    – Spineless
    – Ruthless
    – Clueless

    What has unfolded in the last few months has come as no surprise to anyone with half a brain  that was paying even the remotest of attention to Mr Starmer and the bumbling cronies he surrounds himself with in the 5 years leading up to the election. 

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