Harris vs. Trump latest presidential poll: 7-point turnaround gives surging candidate big national lead

Source: njdotcom


  1. I won’t be comfortable until she has this kind of lead consistently in the swing states. Still, a very encouraging result here

  2. Vote like a bad ass mothafucker. Inspire and lead everyone you know to vote like a beast. Nothing getting in your way or their way. This is our Goonie moment people. This is our fucking time. Never say die!

    LFG. Not going back!

  3. Those age breakdowns are wildly skewed if GenZ/younger voters actually get out to vote…the election has the potential to be a landslide. Please vote!

  4. snoopingforpooping on

    Trump has spent the last four years doing nothing to broaden his appeal which is why he is stuck at 46-47%. The only way he wins is we don’t show up to vote!

  5. No_nukes_at_all on

    Not surprising considering that the Trump/ ance campaign have not been running any sort of substantial campaign

  6. Trump is clearly unfit for office for several reasons. Common sense republicans (yes there are lots of them) need to be able to speak up against the insanity we are seeing from Trump and Vance. You are values and policy wise closer to Harris than Trump. The left is actually the party of common sense, small government, and staying out of your way these days. We desperately need that now

  7. If only we used a national population vote instead of the broken electoral college that makes the president a leader of 7-8 states out of 50 now

  8. This is the real puzzle:

    “Still, Trump holds important advantages on the economy and inflation, although those leads are smaller than they were when Biden was still in the contest. Two-thirds of voters say their family income is falling behind the cost of living, and voters ranked the cost of living as their top concern in the election.”

    Forget the political spin, forget the partisan “feelings,” forget all that subjective stuff – objectively speaking, what Trump claims to want to do in his stump speeches and on his web page will cause everyone’s quality of life to decline. His tariffs alone will increase the cost of living for every family in the USA between $2000 and $6000.

    It would also kick off a trade war with unpredictable but usually very bad results. The last time he did this China retaliated by not purchasing US soybeans and hogs. Trump had to beg for a $20B/year bailout for farmers in the midwest to keep them in business. Before the tariffs the farms were profitably growing and selling to a world market. After the tariffs their farms are idle and there is no work. People went from being proudly self-sufficient to filling out forms for government hand-outs.

    And there will be other quality of life issues. Those blueberries that are in the stores in January are imports. So are the strawberries and less expensive field tomatoes. The prices on those will go up, which will cut demand, which will increase the unit cost of import, which will raise prices, and cut demand. The death spiral will stabilize at some point and when it does those items will be luxury items. Ditto for European cheese, sushi rice, and many imported other things we take for granted.

    So why TF are there so many people who don’t know this?

    I understand folks who say, “my life was better when Trump was president,” but they’re remembering a pre-covid economy that is gone. The whole world is different today. Prices are not going to go back to those levels. So it’s a choice between the policies that brought inflation down to 1% for groceries, and 2%-ish for everything else, or policies that will spike inflation to the high single digits or even double digits.

    And that’s just the tariffs.

    Trump’s other big ideas are also disasters. Cutting taxes on billionaires will not result in wild growth, it will just add another $5T in debt over the next ten years. Deporting 21 million people will require martial law kill about 7% of the jobs in the USA (5% from the deported workers, 2% from the national guard folks called up for indefinite duty). We’re all going to get pulled over for proof of citizenship on a regular basis.

    If people understood this the polls would be 65:35 for Harris.

  9. It was always going to take some time from the debate and these other scandals. It’s not an immediate impact on voters.

    It takes a few days for people to see it, talk about it with people, digest it some, and then finally be swayed one way or another if they are even swayable.

    And then THAT takes another week or so to be reflected in polling.

  10. Title is confusing – it’s a 5 point national lead with a 7 point turnaround since Biden (who was -2 to Trump)

  11. It shouldn’t be this fricking close.

    After what happened on Jan 6th, the man should be in prison, not running for president.

  12. > **Of course, the presidential race is decided by the Electoral College, which means that a handful of states is likely to decide the election.**

    This shit needs to end. There is zero reason in modern times that a small faction/ minority of the electorate get to choose who governs the country as a whole over the result of the popular vote of the people. Especially when those EC votes come from heavily conservative swing states that want to drag the country backwards 100 years and toss us all into an authoritarian nightmare.

    It’s an awful dysfunctional antiquated system.

    Get rid of it like yesterday.

  13. Could it just be that people are just sick and fucking tired of looking at and hearing from and hearing about Donald Trump?

    He isn’t particularly smart or funny or interesting, and there are much better ways to spend our time.

    Maybe it isn’t about “policies” or “the economy” or “the border.”

    Maybe it’s just him. Maybe Americans just want him to go away.

  14. National vote means NOTHING.

    It’s the margins in the battleground states that will determine this. Those are still extraordinarily close after the debate.


  15. earth-calling-karma on

    Wait for Nate Silver to say it’s too close to call before being assured of a Harris landslide.

  16. There’s a lack of effort from team Trump. It’s worrying that they’re clearly planning for throwing it into the courts post election. They’re planning on installing him, not electing him.

  17. We don’t take anything for granted, running the good race to a big blue finish! 💙🇺🇸

  18. **Polls don’t matter, for either side/anyone. Stop.** This isn’t even a partisan request, it’s just a basic logic request. How does a poll help a single voter? It doesn’t.

    Waste of time, distraction from what matters, literally just clickbait from the media.

  19. terrastrawberra on

    I can’t imagine trump gaining voters. He has got to be at his absolute ceiling. I’m worried about the young white male vote. They seem gung ho for Trump… hope women outweigh them at the polls.

  20. Mission-Argument1679 on

    The election is still going to be close y’all. Take off the blinders and look at all the data.

    The electoral college over-represents the Republicans.

  21. Most-Artichoke6184 on

    If Trump was ahead by seven points, every newspaper in the country would be calling for Kamala Harris to concede right now.

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