Germany warns Canada that Europe’s appetite for natural gas is set to shrink

Source: Oilester


  1. Because nuclear and the reason they wanted to go away from it will fade and they’ll again see how important it is again. Putin showed them that already while they were weening off it.

  2. >the country’s state secretary and special envoy for international climate action, warned that Germany and Europe will require less natural gas from countries like Canada in future.

    Yes that is because Germany has just reapproved the previously cancelled midi-catalonia pipeline with Spain. It transports natural gas from Algeria, through Spain, into the EU, specifically through France into Germany where it would connect to the larger European natural gas pipeline system.

  3. TraditionalGap1 on

    I was firmly told here and the other place that Canada (Trudeau) was doing our European allies a disservice by not agreeing to LNG exports eastwards in the last two years. Firmly! Arguments that Canadian LNG to Europe would take over a decade and wouldn’t do anything to alleviate their acute supply problems were handwaved away.

    >The envoy’s remarks would come as no surprise to energy market experts, who have argued that [Canadian liquefied natural gas won’t address the European Union’s short-term energy needs](

    Gas going west is a completely different animal

    >”The Japanese, the Greeks, the Germans have all asked for our natural gas so they can break their dependence on [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. Trudeau says there’s no business case,” Poilievre said at a July news conference.

    We’re going to elect a guy that seemingly isn’t aware that Japan, in fact, is one the few countries who **are** recieving Canadian LNG and is set to recieve more as west coast terminals come on line. I don’t know how CPC voters aren’t embarassed

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