I am from the USA and I have heard about this a few different times. Is this really happening in Australia?

Source: Scared-Vacation-9377


  1. Illustrious-Big-6701 on

    The short answer is No.

    The longer answer is also No.

    There is a proposal to ban social media use among people below the age of 14, and for social media companies to check ID’s to verify those ages.

    Beyond that, Australia doesn’t have the same Fourth Amendment protections the US does… but cops usually need a search/seizure warrant to seize phones.

    There are already provisions in our criminal investigation laws that require people to provide passwords to phones if police demand it and the person has been arrested in connection with an offence. Those orders can be challenged in court and only expose people to obstruction of justice offences, which has been a crime for centuries.

  2. This is what happens in China.

    It’s not needed anywhere else.

    Police don’t need access to all your social media or private messages. If they investigate you, there is legislation that requires you to provide those passwords, otherwise they’re not interested.

    Do you genuinely think that cops, numbered in their thousands, have the resources or the interest to monitor millions of accounts?

    We don’t have social scores, nobody cares.

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