JD Vance Mercilessly Mocked Over His Springfield, Ohio ‘Challenge’

Source: z8675309z


  1. Dude, like seriously?

    Good god can’t he just leave these people alone, the mayor told the campaign specifically NOT to do this…

  2. I challenge you, JD, to show some basic fucking human decency.

    edited: changed “have” to “show,” because acutally *having* it was probably too big of a challenge.

  3. These communities are overwhelmed with too many people because of the migrants. I know, let’s flood them with even more people by telling a bunch of Trump supporters to go there searching for migrants eating pets.

  4. My wife showed me the Hershey Park season pass FB group post about him. Lots of people saying to hide the couches. And a lot of your typical fighting, asking why the GOP supporters think about children’s genitals all the time, fear-mongering galore, etc.

  5. The biggest tragedy is that the good people of Ohio suffering from his lies are stuck with him as senator for the next four years.

    How many signatures does it take to oust a sitting senator that is clearly a danger to their constituents?

  6. Dude is the biggest incel of all time – funny part is this would usually be a trump strategy but he actually stfu about it. He may be confused on cat eaters but he sure knows how to beat a dead horse

  7. roughingupthesuspect on

    So a bunch of Maga show up in Springfield looking for Hatians eating cats. Like when they showed up at the border to “stop migrant caravans”. Which turned into a shitshow as one would expect..

  8. Unfortunately, this type of attack lands pretty well. I was at a social event Friday in Dayton, and a dude from Minnesota ask our table what we thought of this. We even had a lawyer with an office in Springfield at the table and he still had a hard time accepting that we all told him this was complete bullshit. When you doubt six locals, you are in way too deep….

  9. No Vance, you go and you prove it to us. Hope you get egged or hit with a milk shake or something while you’re there.

  10. apatheticwizardsfan on

    The fact they’re both still talking about this, unprompted, tells me that they think it’s a winning campaign issue. That’s scary, in and of itself.

  11. Damn, I guess the dude decided that once his foot was in his own mouth he might as well keep chewing.

    Are we absolutely sure he’s not actually a plant sent to sabotage Trump’s campaign?

    I’d almost cheer him on were it not for the fact that so many people are suffering due to his lies. And I fear it’s only going to get worse before the end.

  12. I would say this is pathetic. But it’s not. It’s horrible. And now he’s inviting people to go to a town to skulk around and look for ‘illegals?’

    It’s not pathetic at all, it’s dangerous.

  13. If he will go so far as to put his wife down, he’ll won’t stop letting his bigotry show:

    “Look, I love my wife so much. I love her because she’s who she is,” he told host Megyn Kelly on her show Friday. “Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha.”

    Why bring up the fact that she is not white, when it is blatantly obvious? And she is smart; why stay with this buffoon?

  14. Brains_Are_Weird on

    And of course he’s banking on a few idiots actually going there and seeing Haitian immigrants and going, “yup, it’s all true” and repeating it to others.

  15. I can’t imagine being the governor of a state where I’d be supporting a presidential ticket that was telling lies and bringing unearned hardship to that state. Let alone if that city was my own hometown.

    DeWine can’t run again. He should resend his Trump endorsement.

  16. Springfield is how Trump-Vance lead. This is a tiny taste of what the mass deportations will be like. Memorandum 47, Project 2025 and running mass deportations will result in crimes against humanity and serve a political agenda that uses division and hate to distract the population while stealing everything in sight. Springfield is a harbinger.

  17. He is committed to getting every racist Nazi to vote. His lie is incidental. It’s just a call out to those thugs like, “everybody say wha!” “Wha!” But here he’s yelling “everybody say they eat dogs”- it won’t matter if he is mocked now or later if he gets in.

  18. Vance will now join trump, Gulianni and Alex jones in the I got sued for 10s of millions in liable. The difference is trump seems to have endless sycophants to pay his legal bills and judgements. The other two went bankrupt.

    People there already have suffered real harm from these out right lies. I wonder if you can do class action for liable against a town. But if you can’t there are individuals that have can show direct harm.

  19. I think it bothers him that 15k Haitians came and saved the town because it did not have the workforce it needed.

  20. I don’t understand this fucking weird ass dude, lying about and creating fucking hardships on his own state

    And he apparently actually thinks that Kamala has been creating policies and is already the president, because that’s how his speeches always go. Does he honestly think trump is going to let him do anything except what he tells him to do?

  21. You know the chance isn’t 0% that one of their crazy followers will go and actually kill someone’s pet to try to make a story out of this…

  22. Busy_Abroad_1916 on

    Can’t they sue him for blatantly causing civil unrest. He’s the guy to yell fire in the movie theatre. There has to be some legal recourse against this.

  23. Leather-Map-8138 on

    It’s clear that Hillbilly Eligy was a long game political setup, neither written nor orchestrated by Vance himself. He’s a manufactured product.

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