Trump Calls MSNBC Host A ‘Bimbo’ After She Makes Case For Voting Against Him

Source: Ace-Cuddler


  1. So an insult that has absolutely nothing to do with the content of her statements and instead is focused entirely on her gender?

    Exactly what we have come to expect

  2. And him calling a reporter a “Bimbo” is another argument in the case for voting against him.

    I’m really sick of seeing politicians shit on the free and open press. Sure, the press has problems but politicians attacking it as an institution is an attack on the first Amendment.

  3. Instead of answering when a female asks difficult questions, he dismisses her and makes an ignorant comment about her because of her gender/looks…?

    This is the type of person people want running the country…?

  4. Donald Trump, the guy who selected Himbo JD Vance?

    Man, I can’t even accurately say that because neither of them have attractive physical qualities, their personalities suck AND they’re dumb.

  5. Stephanie Ruhle is one of the smarter nighttime news tv hosts. In finance knowledge, she’s probably the best (not that “nightly show host” is a role that draws the financial news types).

    Are we comparing her to the towering intellect of Jesse Watters and his, checks notes, degree from a third rate liberal arts college? Greg Gutfeld and his panel of twits? Seminary school Sean Hannity? Please.

  6. PlentyMacaroon8903 on

    She was probably worried about woman stuff. Don’t worry bimbo, Trump will fix that all for you.

  7. lyteasarockette on

    I cannot wait till this vile disease is behind us and everyone can move on with life again. I swear to god

  8. juntaofthefree1 on

    If I was her, I would put out on Twitter “I’m not interested in you at ALL, seeing how bimbos are your type!”

  9. yosarian_reddit on

    Trump: ‘all women should vote for me’.

    Trump 30 seconds later: ‘this woman is a bimbo’.

    All I want for xmas is for Trump to have a massive stroke, preferably whilst giving a rally speech.

  10. I’m so tired of these lazy, weakass idiots saying, “I can’t vote for Trump, but don’t know enough about Harris to vote for her, either.”

    Just say it, ok? You’d rather have Trump than a woman/POC.

    Since Trump is too chickenshit for another debate, Harris should sit down with a group of these so-called undecideds on CNN and let them ask whatever the fuck they want. She can give them clear answers as well as resources so that they can get off their high horses and do some goddamn research.

    Rant over.

  11. BertieWilberforce on

    This is a guy running for the highest office in the nation. And he’s behind. Presumably the pressure is on. Yet in the midst of a critical campaign he has time to watch Bill Maher. And then post misogynist shit about it and complain again about the NYT.

  12. downinthevalleypa on

    Wow, straight out of the 80’s, when every intelligent woman was so labeled by insecure men. That must have been a great decade for Trump, because time and time again we see his brain default there.

  13. Chucky_In_The_Attic on

    This isn’t surprising at all. If someone counters anything he says with any amount of intelligence he realizes he’s on a sinking ship and instead of trying to combat with something insightful or even just admit he has nothing prepared for it he slings attempted insults. It would actually be far more respectful of he just admitted whenever he has nothing good to say and just went quiet. But no, him and his cult believe in slandering more than they do being mature.

  14. It would be snarky of me to suggest that Melania Trump was the prototypical bimbo. I’d love to see Trump or Vance slip and call Kamala Harris a bimbo.

  15. This whole line about not knowing where Harris stands on issues is such a 🐴💩 cop out answer.

  16. Maybe he should stop watching television and playing around on the internet. Maybe, and this is just me, but maybe he should focus on something like flushing out his concept of an idea for one single fucking policy.

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