Asylum seeker claims at six-year high as record numbers await decision

Source: LatestHat80


  1. And yet people are angry that albo hired more people to do visa processing.

    The more people we have the quicker the fake claims can be rejected and they can be kicked out

  2. I wish asylum seeking was more of a random distribution, I.e. you prove you have a genuine case but then you are randomly allocated to a country. 

    None of the cherry picking business. It might be a wealthy country or a less wealthy one. 

    Would help prevent ghettos and ensure those who really need help to get out are accommodated. 

  3. It’s interesting that it’s no longer about people coming illegally by boat. It’s people who use holiday or student visas as a trojan to come into the country, then visa hop their way into claiming asylum.

  4. Neonaticpixelmen on

    We have no obligation to follow the 1951 Convention as it was laid out without punishment.

    We should be filtering out refugees/asylums the same way we filter out immigrants, and we certainly shouldn’t be letting any in with values that are incompatible with ours, particularly when it comes to views on women.

  5. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    It’s a global challenge at the moment, with mass movements of people heading towards countries that are members of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol.

    To be granted asylum, you need to show that you have a genuine fear of persecution in your home country based on your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group (like LGBTQ+ individuals).

    You must prove, through personal testimony and witness statements from friends and family, that this fear is well-founded and that you cannot return home because your country is unable or unwilling to protect you from harm.

    Many genuine asylum claimants, as well as so-called economic migrants, use every legal tool available to them to appeal a refused asylum claim, which [creates bottlenecks]( in the asylum system. The large numbers at the moment make it a significant challenge.

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