Migration will be higher than forecast, Chalmers concedes

Source: sk3za


  1. In other words: We have absolutely no idea on how to save your economy, then to swarm the country with outsiders. All the best minds in economics are lying, and all we can do is mass immigration.

    We are no better off under Labor or Liberals, I personally don’t even know who to side with anymore.

  2. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    >“When it comes to arrivals, we’re more or less tracking as we expected, but when it comes to departures that’s been the big difference,”

    When I was a kid, my parents would take me on holiday once a year to exotic places like Greece or Italy. I always hated returning home and having to go back to school. But I knew I had to because I couldn’t speak Greek or Italian, so as an 8-year-old my options were quite limited.

  3. BeginningImaginary53 on

    This is a band aid solution for a problem that will be catastrophic when the band aid comes off.

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