Coalition housing policy in a nutshell.

Source: Gazza_s_89


  1. I love the bubble to think that anyone 30 or under has any super of any actual value. Do they think everyone is a Lachie who’s been working in his dad’s investment firm since he was 23?

  2. It’s actually raid your super to get a deposit and when you retire sell it to pay the mortgage out and give the leftover to the retirement home. Like a good free range slave.

  3. Prestigious-Case936 on

    Still “Kicking the Can” down the road – I guess that’s the basis of capitalism in 2024?

  4. Also if we let Dutton back in the media will definitely stop using the term housing crisis, so there’s that

  5. Super is a program designed to reduce social service dependence later in life. Owning a home will reduce social service dependency later in life. Purely as a financial investment, in many cases owning a home earlier will have a greater benefit later in life than putting that same money into super.

    This policy will not address any of the problems associated with eye watering migration numbers, state and council supply restrictions such as excessive licencing and regulation, zoning restrictions, etc. But it is not a bad policy if taken as part of a broader package to address housing in Australia.

  6. Labor housing policy: pile millions of immigrants in the country when we’re already in a housing crisis with the sole purpose of preventing a recession on their watch.

  7. I’ll probably get a lot of hate for the this comment, but I took $20K out during Covid (I met the eligibility criteria) and put it towards a town house. It was a fantastic decision and helped me out of a crappy family situation. 10/10 no regrets.

    35m now with $130K of super. Obviously a personal anecdote and that $20K didn’t wipe out my super (but did put a dent in it).

  8. PopularVersion4250 on

    I’d rather have the $$ in my hands or a house rather than in super. Don’t trust them with my money at all. 

  9. SMSF is a good thing. The trillions under management get fleeced by the financial services industry. You should absolutely have access to your super for a safer long term nest egg. Don’t forget 2008.

  10. Sufficient_Tower_366 on

    Regardless of what you think of this policy, you would be mad not to use it if LNP win next term. The housing affordability crisis isn’t going to resolve itself anytime soon, this gives new home buyers extra buying power, and if this gets you on track to own a home outright by retirement it’s a far better outcome than the lost value of super.

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