Honeymoon over: Keir Starmer now less popular than Rishi Sunak

Source: Apprehensive_Sleep_4


  1. > While 24% of voters approve of the job he is doing, 50% disapprove,

    Not sure how one even begins to bish bash bosh their way out of that

  2. It’s been 2 months – WTF were UK voters expecting, a co-op of Mary Poppins and the Ministry of Magic to make everything better?

  3. To a certain extent people’s opinion right now won’t matter, voters have short memories. But he better be sure the short term pain is going to offer something before the next election if he wants a further five years.

  4. Wonder if there’ll be a swing towards some fringe nutjob, who promises easy solutions, and is a kremlin sycophant

  5. He may try to lay the blame for robbing pensioners to pay overpaid train drivers on the previous Tory government but sponging £000s of clothes from a ‘benefactor’ is really all his own work.

  6. I’m not sure what they expected, austerity was never going to be a popular policy.

    The naked bribery doesn’t help either.

  7. We live in a world of difficult and sometimes impossible to solve problems, but people want easy and instant solutions. That’s why populists rise in so many countries. It’s dumb.

  8. 0nlythiswasleft on

    Monday: AgeUK: 3 million pensioners will struggle to keep warm this winter after losing their winter fuel payments.

    Tuesday: Department for work and pensions: 70% of pensioners that will lose their winter fuel payments have a disability.

    Wednesday: Keir Starmer has received £107,145 in gifts, benefits, and hospitality.

    Thursday: Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds: The Prime Minister is in a “pressure” job and should be allowed to enjoy gifts and hospitality.

    Friday: The economy is a mess, we’re putting up everyone’s taxes.

    I mean, it’s not surprising.

  9. Wow, what a shock. Who could have guessed that the guy who had no substantive policy changes to the last group of morons would be an unpopular PM? /s

  10. Clearly needs to reassure his purpose to the people, and build back some momentum especially with the economy like infrastructure prospects

  11. MaliceTheMagician on

    We’re going to be drowning in tory policy unless a competent left leaning party can consolidate its power.
    Labour had to shimmy right to snap up disenfranchised tory voters and it barely worked, meanwhile they still sabotage the left while saying we have to vote for them or it’s our fault the tories won again, maybe try being not shit.
    Edit: that being said I was hopeful for starmers government and i still think he could turn things around given time, the bribe stuff is sure awkward though, but if he can clean up some mess in these 5 years I’d say its okay, it’s only been 2 months.

  12. Less popular according to the boomers who don’t want to lose their winter fuel allowance even though they spend winter on the Costa del sol

  13. The whole election was Kier saying they will deliver long term economic growth, which historically, is the trend anyway? He ran on a mandate of promising nothing but being better than the Conservative Party, which is a party ground in 14 years of scandal and corruption.

    All he has to do on his mandate is stick to sensible economic policy, that doesn’t spook the banks or markets and he’ll have a free pass till the next general election. Economically speaking, we have no money and debt will continue to spiral, budgets are going to be slashed or tax will rise, as a country we are going to suffer whoever is in charge because of the mess we are in, there’s no more action to take to rescue this situation.

    If I could wave a magic want I would blame this issue primarily on wealth inequality but as a single country we aren’t in a position to change that and international politics is too weak and corrupt to look towards changing things.

  14. Nousernamesleft92737 on

    As an American who’s peripherally followed y’alls politics for a few years, I’ve never understood how Starmer is the only beacon of hope for labor?? Like obviously Corbin sucked ass. But Starmer is conservative-lite. He’s progressive-ish on social issues (but apparently not trans rights). But his economic policy is half-way to conservative except for being pro-Europe as compared to the Brexit crowd.

    We’re not much better, but after nearly 20 years of being fucked by conservatives I’d have assumed you guys would want to swing a little further left than Starmer..

  15. This is absolute bollocks and untrue. Fuck off British media, get the conservatives grubby little fingers out of your pockets and do some actual journalism

  16. Odd_Couple_2088 on

    Hahahaha that’s hilarious. I swear no matter what you do, everybody will hate you. Fuck public office man

  17. who even was the last popular PM in the UK? Blair?? was he popular? he was there for quite a while i guess

  18. 2 tier keir losing popularity? the pm who jails people for memes while allowing religious fundamentalists to instruct UK police?

    I yam shocked, shocked I tell ya

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