Why GOP ‘Black Nazi’s’ Porn Posts Were Too Bonkers for CNN | CNN’s explosive report detailing posts allegedly from Republican Mark Robinson omitted a number of filthy details including him bragging about having sex with a relative.

Source: WhileFalseRepeat


  1. The press needs to stop soft pedaling this stuff. Voters have a right to know exactly who it is their being asked to vote for, and if you withhold more alarming evidence, simply because it’s alarming, you are in effect suppressing the truth.

    Robinson is more than just a very nasty piece of work, I think his statements and actions collectively indicate a person with some substantial mental health and/r or personality disorder issues. North Carolina voters need to know who the real Mark Robinson is.

  2. While I understand they couldn’t post all details, they should have made it possible for people to read via an external link.

    People need to know the filth this guy is. In a way, they protected this guy by not completely exposing him.

  3. what is it about the vocal anti trans people that they always turn out to watch a lot of trans porn?

  4. WhileFalseRepeat on

    > “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?” – Donald Trump, 2006, The View

    > “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father . . .’” – Donald Trump, 2015, Rolling Stone


  5. Nothing says family values quite like posting on a porn site about Hitler, your desire to own slaves and banging your sister-in-law. Tf. These people are psychotic.

  6. Won’t have an impact! The good ol’ boy racist fucks will love this and, as sordid details come out, the “christian” evangelicals will flock to him!

  7. sheeplessinohio on

    So, MeidasTouch Network on YouTube did make a video on some of the posts Mark Robinson made. The host said it was important that people know about the kind of stuff he said and made an attempt to read them, but he said he couldn’t keep going because of how nasty the posts were (and they are indeed nasty).

    They do show the posts on-screen for you to read on your own. [Here’s the video.](https://youtu.be/RFVoTwtfcuk?si=pDsRRYPdiNbrVv_l)

  8. For sure, I went elsewhere to read what it was exactly he was saying. The sex stuff is really, Really bad. I’m a jaded man of the world and I found a number of the sexual comments unusually disturbing. 

  9. Trust me they are 2 Girls 1 Cup tier. I went through the actual sauce and I’d rather put needles in my eyes than read them again

  10. Will there be any investigations here? Voters deserve to know if this is factual or not. If this was a congress person, there would be committees and investigations stood up overnight.

  11. I hope this turns into a shit slinging contest so we can dissolve both parties. All these guys are either participants or complicit until exposed. Fuck them all.

  12. The guy can weasel his way out of drama pretty well from the interview I saw. He was calm and made it sound like a weird political attack from the left even though it most likely is a true story. Claiming it is “AI” is comical, but it could actually be believable to voters who don’t realize the posts were old, archived web content. Republicans likely do not want to look at anything from a site called Nude Africa.

  13. DTCCCanSuckMyLeft on

    I can’t believe this is just now coming to light. I’ve seen interviews a couple years ago, and he is purely a grifter by heart, his entire political career is shock value. He consistently gave these troll posts before his political career, even claiming he truly didn’t believe in it, but it made him money. That is all he is, and the fact people are just now waking up to the type of person he is, is rather disheartening.

  14. Ancient-Investment-8 on

    How is it that every headline i see of this dude is somehow more fucked up or depraved then the last…

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