Is Donald Trump a fascist?

Source: superzepto


  1. MintBerryCrunchJr on

    Yes, he’s also a moron, a racist, and a criminal. Oh, and he was also best buds with Epstein.

  2. Funny_Sprinkles_4825 on

    He fits the definition of an authoritarian fascist pretty well.

    In before conservatives show they don’t know what the definition of socialism and Marxism is

  3. Yes, *by his own description.* His stated goal is to restore national greatness, his methods for doing so include re-establishing social hierarchies based on the characteristics people were born with, and his aesthetics are based on traditionality, dominance, and masculinity.

    “Fascist” isn’t an empty insult here, it is the word for that type of politics.

  4. think_i_should_leave on

    Yes. But fortunately for us, he’s among history’s top-most incompetent fascists, which means he’ll be losing the contest for the presidency and checking into prison soon.

  5. PopeTheoskeptik on

    Despite the criticisms levelled at it,[ Adorno’s 1947 ‘F-Scale’]( has always been my go-to metric for answering this kind of question.

    Although Trump doesn’t seem to score high on the first measure (conformity to the traditional societal norms and values of the middle class), as he’s not focused on the middle class, his “Do as I say, not as I do” approach to life seems to indicate he’s a shedload more middle class than he’d like to admit to his fanbase.

    He also scores fairly robustly on the other measures:

    * Authoritarian submission: a passive notion towards adhering to conventional norms and values
    * Authoritarian aggression: punishing and condemning individuals who don’t adhere to conventional values
    * Religion and Ethics
    * Superstition and Stereotypy
    * Power and “Toughness”
    * Anti-intraception: “rejection of all inwardness, of the subjective, the imaginative, the tender-minded, and of self-criticism”
    * Destructiveness and Cynicism: generalized hostility, vilification of the human
    * Projectivity: the disposition to believe that wild and dangerous things go on in the world; the projection outwards of unconscious emotional impulses
    * Sex: exaggerated concern with sexual “goings-on”

  6. He is too much of a fucking idiot to be one intentionally, but regardless of that lack of self-awareness the enablement and behaviors are all there.

  7. He’s too dumb to be an ANYTHING. Most of his supporters, on the other hand, are fascists. In addition to being racist scumbags.

  8. He might not be one ideologically (I’m not certain he has a consistent ideology), but he uses the language and rhetoric that a fascist would use and the result is that he is making a larger and larger space for them in our discourse and normalizing them. 

  9. BlueCollarBeagle on

    He’d be a drag queen on a unicycle if he thought it would bring him the adoration of the mob and a mob to grift.

  10. awrinkleinsprlinker on

    He uses Sorel’s fascism. Read Sorel. It becomes extremely obvious. The us against them myth is more important than facts.

  11. If Trump lost the election 30% to 70% would he still opt to be president?

    If the answer is yes, then he’s a fascist.

    Spoiler: The answer is absolutely yes.

  12. The differences between Trump’s brand of politics and dictionary definition fascism are not the things anybody cares about.

    Okay, he probably won’t nationalize major industries like Mussolini and Hitler, maybe that doesn’t make him a textbook fascist, but the problems people have with fascism are stuff like the political violence, jailing political rivals, demonizing select demographic groups to galvanize support, and valuing blind loyalty over merit.

    Yea he checks all those boxes for sure.

  13. Groundbreaking-Step1 on

    How are we defining fascist? In my understanding, I’d say yes, him and his allies, if in power, would work to set up a fascist government.

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