Anti-2SLGBTQ+ “1 Million March” Fails to Draw Crowd to Parliament Hill

Source: kingbuns2


  1. Lol what a bunch of losers… By the looks of it they didn’t get more than a hundred attendees.

    These nutters need to crawl back into the hole they came from.

  2. As usual, it turns out that the “silent majority” are actually just an extremely vocal minority…

    > One speaker at the Ottawa event told the small crowd, “We should never base our success on numbers.”

    Kind of hard *not* to, when you call your event the “1 Million March” and publicly say you want *two* million people to show up… if you go around planning for that, and then fail to reach it spectacularly, then you cannot be considered anything other than a resounding failure.

    100 people protesting outside parliament is basically nothing. If there are more *tourists* than protesters, your chances of influencing government is nil, and I can only be happy about that in this instance.

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