Liberal national director on the hot seat over foreign interference | CBC News

Source: HappiestSadGirl_


  1. Beneficial_Life_3617 on

    How did I know about this before the Liberal National Director ?

    This guy is either just a liar or really bad at his job. With this group of liberals it could really be either.

  2. “The report says CSIS briefed a Liberal Party representative with secret-level clearance several weeks after the nomination meeting, who then briefed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the next day. “The Liberal Party of Canada allowed Mr. Dong to run in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections,” said the report.”

    It’s hard to pick the most shocking part of the article but this quote blows several lies we’ve been told out of the water

  3. HistoricLowsGlen on

    >The report, which cited information from the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS), described how the People’s Republic of China (PRC) consulate in Toronto rented buses to bring 175 to 200 Chinese international students to the nomination meeting and reportedly told them they had to vote for Dong if they wanted to maintain their visas to study in Canada.

    >It said the consulate also broke the Liberal Party’s rule that requires voters in a nomination process to live in the riding, by supplying students who lived outside the riding with fraudulent paper work.

    >”By successfully interfering in the nomination process of what can be considered a safe riding for the Liberal Party of Canada, the PRC was well-positioned to ensure its preferred candidate was elected to Parliament,” said the report.

    >The report says CSIS briefed a Liberal Party representative with secret-level clearance several weeks after the nomination meeting, who then briefed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the next day. “The Liberal Party of Canada allowed Mr. Dong to run in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections,” said the report.

    Hmm. So Trudeau, Knowing Dong was being chosen by the PRC, allowed him to run again in 2021, even though it was a safe liberal seat, in which he could probably have replaced Dong and still won.

    Funny that.

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