Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults

Source: Cute-Perception2335


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  2. Cute-Perception2335 on

    This has to be great news for Kamala, if they vote. Remember to vote to save democracy. Harris/Walz 2024

  3. >According to, voters under 35 made up 81% of Tuesday’s registrations, with the biggest spike among 18-year-olds. On this year’s National Voter Registration Day, 11% of those registered were 18, which is 53% higher than on the same day four years ago.

    This makes it sound like Trump’s on track to get a serious ass-kicking in November.

  4. Numbers for one day don’t say all that much. I would like to know how many young voters have registered for the full year and compare that number to the full year in 2020.

  5. Young voters need to take control of this election lest they never get a chance to impact an election again. Today or never. Do young voters want old white men to control their lives forever?

  6. Republicans were crazy to put old man Trump back on the ticket. The guy is freaking done. Put him down. He’s washed up and rants like he’s got serious mental health issues. Plus he tried to overthrow the last election because he doesn’t know when to call it. It’s all ego with him all the time, which combined with his age contributes to his delusions of grandeur. The country will be better off without him race baiting and normalizing hatred everyday.

  7. WTG Taylor! I never much cared for her one way or the other, but I’m so glad that Trump decided to bring her into this fight. The millions of fans that Swift has will almost certainly hurt Trump’s chances in a significant way.

    Taylor risked personal loss for publicly expressing her political opinion, so I want to thank her again for doing what she believed was her duty. She just gained one new fan!!

  8. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 87%. (I’m a bot)
    > Voter registration is breaking records as Election Day approaches, particularly among young people, including many first-time voters.

    > A huge percentage of the newly registered voters are young people, many voting for the first time.

    > Others are finding creative ways to register young voters, including Ezra Gershanok, whose New York City apartment subletting company, Ohana, is aiming to attract younger people in a way that catches their' attention: funny memes.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694145 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **people**^#2 **register**^#3 **young**^#4 **registration**^#5

  9. Maximum-Lifeguard-41 on

    Get rid of them all.
    They are cringe. He is a smelly make up man who holds public therapy sessions to stay in toxic relationships with cringe voters.
    The party just copies the cringe to stay in power.

    Fremdschäm 100%, I even get goodebumps from it

  10. I’d assume they’re as tired of the shit show as are most Americans who aren’t part of the Maga cult.

  11. Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults
    Voter registration is breaking records as Election Day approaches, particularly among young people, including many first-time voters.

    On Tuesday’s National Voter Registration Day more than 150,000 people registered through, the most the organization has ever seen on that day. The organization registered 279,400 voters in all of last year.

    Last week, more than 400,000 people visited a link posted on Instagram by pop star Taylor Swift that directed them to their state’s voter registration site.

    Although Swift noted that she would be voting for the Democratic candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, people don’t have to declare a party affiliation when they register and neither nor Swift track registrations by party. has previously told USA TODAY that about 80% of people they register turn out in the next election.

    A huge percentage of the newly registered voters are young people, many voting for the first time.

    According to, voters under 35 made up 81% of Tuesday’s registrations, with the biggest spike among 18-year-olds. On this year’s National Voter Registration Day, 11% of those registered were 18, which is 53% higher than on the same day four years ago.

    “We’re really seeing a surge in 18-year-olds registering to vote.” CEO Andrea Hailey said. “We know that we can honor up next generation of voters into our democracy if we can get people to register and get out to these elections.”

    Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, is also trying to make it easier for people to register to vote.

    After years of lobbying, she announced Friday that those filling out applications for health insurance through the HealthCare.Gov website would be offered an option to receive voter registration information.

    “The health of our democracy depends on Americans registering and exercising their right to vote,” Warren said in a statement. Many people looking for coverage through the website have low-wage jobs that don’t offer insurance or are just coming off of their parents’ insurance at age 26.

    “I’ve pushed for the government to use every tool to make it easier to register, particularly for younger and lower-income individuals, and this update is an important action by the Biden-Harris administration to protect the right to vote for all Americans,” Warren said.

    Others are finding creative ways to register young voters, including Ezra Gershanok, whose New York City apartment subletting company, Ohana, is aiming to attract younger people in a way that catches their’ attention: funny memes.

  12. I hope all these new voters don’t get discouraged when they see the Republicans try to not count their vote. The steal has started.

  13. hockeynoticehockey on

    If the bump is between 18 and 25 you can count the Trump supports in that demographic on 2 hands and maybe a couple of toes.

    That can only be seen as very positive news for the Dems.

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