Republicans are using ruse of “election integrity” to pull off another round of Big Lie chicanery

Source: marji80


  1. MasterofWood5000 on

    They aren’t even doing it to win this time. They just want to divide us, and rake in the profits from their gun-loving, gas guzzling truck driving, doomsday hoarding supporters. 47 more days!

  2. I am not crazy! I know he swapped those elections. I knew it was 2024. One after Kissinger. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never!

  3. SpicyTabasco3000 on

    “election integrity” is the new voter suppression

    Instead of denying people the right to vote, they’ve decided to just rig it outright

  4. Leonard Leo stacked federal courts including the Supreme Roberts Court. That is the backbone of the Republican strategy to steal elections via lawfare.

  5. Environmental-Arm365 on

    “Chicanery” seems a bit flaccid for this, perhaps “shenanigans” or “hijinks” instead?

  6. Republicans have no interest in election integrity. They only want to win and will commit any act, preferably criminal, to achieve it.

  7. The party of “you can never restrict gun rights even in the face of massive evidence that our low level of gun control is bad for our society” now wants to be the “we must construct barriers to both voting and counting the vote, which runs antithetical to the tenets of democracy we preach, with no evidence that this is needed or will solve any problem at all”.

    They’ll play dumb with their faux common sense arguments of “isn’t it better to have more election integrity” while ignoring that these changes don’t add more integrity, and, in fact, take away election integrity due to the specifics of how they’re being implemented.

  8. downwithdisinfo2 on

    Just remember…they want to restrict voting rights but they want no restrictions on gun rights. Tells you EVERYTHING you need to know.
    Vote these motherfuckers out. They are a significant minority and it’s time we sent these pigs packing.

  9. I am going to give you 81 million dollars for free. But counting is difficult I am going to accidentally give you 30 extra dollars.

    And then you reject it because you claim you deserve 40000 more dollars but can’t make a case for why.

    So then you decided to defraud the bank.

    That’s basically what’s going on here.

  10. Not surprised they’re trying a second coup. We let criminals like Sidney Powell get away with a plea agreement and a written apology instead of throwing their ass in jail immediately.

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